You’re headed to DMV, so you know it’s going to be a long afternoon. If you missed lunch, don’t fret. Ed’s Hot Dogs is there for you. “I was standing in line there to get a title transfer, No. 170, and they were on, like, 40,” says owner Ed Fisher. “It took three or five hours. I thought, if anyplace could use a hot dog stand, this is it.” Fisher, who has run a stand at the Home Depot on U.S. 13 in New Castle for the past 10 years, opened up at the two New Castle County DMVs in September. The offerings are all-American hot dog stuff—“no Mexican hot dogs or Hawaiian hot dogs or any other kind of hot dog you want,” Fisher says—and the prices are right: $1.75 for a dog, $2.50 for a dog, chips and drink. —Mark Nardone