Top Doctors 2008

Carrying a few too many pounds? Who isn’t? According to this year’s top doctors, you may be part of Delaware’s No. 1 epidemic. “One of the most alarming trends we are seeing is a skyrocketing rate of obesity and morbid obesity,” says Dr. Joseph Rubacky of Dover Family Physicians. He is not alone in his observation. Every doctor profiled here cited the issue as the state’s biggest health concern. The reason? Obesity leads to diabetes and hypertension, it puts you at risk for various cancers, and it could lead to easily avoidable things such as the need for knee and hip replacements. More than one in five adult Delawareans are obese. That doesn’t mean we need to be. According to Dr. William Funk of Newark, anyone can change their health—with the right guidance. Herein, the top doctors share their best advice.

Note: The physicians named in the list earned the greatest number of nominations in a survey of their medical peers. The physicians profiled received the most votes in each county. Many excellent practitioners did not make the list. Their exclusion should not diminish their fine reputations.


Photograph by Thom ThompsonFamily Practice

Joseph F. Rubacky III, DO, Dover

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Rubacky is a disciplined military man, yet he nonetheless recommends a cheat treat once a week while modifying a diet. All good things come in time, he says. Before joining Dover Family Physicians in 1989, Rubacky served as a major in the United States Air Force and earned a Surgeon General’s medal for revamping the emergency room at Homestead Air Force base in Florida. A fellow of the American Academy of Family Physicians, Rubacky has served as chairman of the family practice department at Kent General.
Philosophy of Care “My philosophy of care is holistic, which was at the foundation of my training in osteopathic medicine. By its very nature, we look at the entire patient and family and the impact of disease on them.”
Best Health Advice Exercise at least 30 minutes a day, eat a diet low in fat and maintain a body mass index of 25 or less. (BMI is a measure of fat calculated from a person’s weight and height.) Consume alcohol only in moderation and quit smoking.
On Exercise “In addition to the obvious benefit to the heart, exercise is a great mood lifter and energy booster.” Start by walking, but, “Don’t walk like a Delawarean. Walk like a New Yorker. New Yorkers walk twice as fast.” Older patients recovering from an illness or surgery should work with a trainer. All school-age children should play a sport or engage in outdoor activity for two hours a day. Inactive people 40 years or older should consult a doctor before starting an exercise regimen.
On Diet Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables to six or more servings a day. Eat nothing white (bread, flour, rice). Eliminate fried foods. Don’t drink sodas, sports drinks or high-calorie beverages. Eat fish at least twice a week. Eliminate sweets and junk food from your home. Skip fast food and school lunches. “And when you eat out, eat only half of the meal.”
Keeping Current Rubacky subscribes to more than a dozen journals, including the New England Journal of Medicine, the Journal of the American Medical Association and the Journal of the Medical Society of Delaware, which address such issues as newborn nursery care and medical care, critical care, coronary care and emergency care. Rubacky also subscribes to Journal Watch and Physician First Watch, Internet services that send daily emails from more than 100 leading journals.
The most exciting thing in medicine Technology. Rubacky’s office recently converted to an electronic health record, which integrates all elements of a patient’s health history, including medications, lab work, X-rays, scans and EKGs. His Dover Family Physicians is a test site for the new Delaware Health Information Network.



Page 2: Family Practice | Gregory A. Bahtiarian, DO, Lewes



Photograph by Thom ThompsonFamily Practice

Gregory A. Bahtiarian, DO, Lewes

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Bahtiarian, of Mid-Atlantic Family Practice, honed his skills in the Army at Fort Bragg in North Carolina. “I truly believe that having military experience has helped me with many facets of life, including self confidence, trust of others, working with others, leadership, following orders, respect for others, working under stress, teamwork, working with less and being organized.” A member of the American Academy of Family Physicians, he has practiced in Delaware for the past 10 years.
Philosophy of Care “To make recommendations to my patients about their health based on the medical science of today and to promote healthy living by eating right, exercising and not smoking.” He also believes in taking care of the entire family by caring for each member.
Best Health Advice Get your Zs—five to nine hours every night. “We all need adequate sleep to give the body time for the restorative functions to occur. Not getting enough sleep will adversely affect our health and weaken our immune system, and that will increase the chance of infection and other diseases.”
On Diet Go easy on the carbs. Add more white-meat chicken, turkey, fish, vegetables and fruits. Reduce breads, pasta and potatoes.
On Exercise Work out early. “Select an exercise that can be done at home and you do not mind doing, then exercise five to six days a week for 20 to 25 minutes, with five minutes of stretching after.” The only way to beat obesity is to eat better and exercise more.
Keeping Current In addition to attending local conferences, Bahtiarian frequents the annual American Academy of Family Physicians Scientific Assembly, as well as conferences of other medical organizations such as Beebe Medical Center and the Delaware Academy of Family Physicians. Topics include diabetes, asthma, hypertension, pediatric immunizations and nutrition. Bahtiarian is partial to the American Family Physician, the journal of the American Academy of Family Physicians.
The most exciting thing in medicine Electronic record keeping, which Bahtiarian thinks is an advantage to both doctors and patients. Online prescriptions reduce errors. Online test results come faster. Patients of Mid-Atlantic Family Practice can access parts of their electronic medical records, view lab results, request appointments and order refills.



Page 3: Family Practice | William Funk, MD, Newark



Photograph by Thom ThompsonFamily Practice   

William Funk, MD, Newark

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Funk believes families should work together on health issues and that “people try harder if they feel everyone is rowing in the same direction.” A member of the Delaware Academy of Family Physicians, he works long hours at the office, but he also sees about six patients a week at Christiana Hospital. He accommodates those who need extra time and tweaks his schedule when necessary. “If you don’t have that commitment to spend real time with a patient, you miss out on the enjoyable aspects of a visit, and the patient doesn’t sense your enthusiasm. We’re not a five-minute practice.”
Philosophy of Care Partner with the patient. Funk helps his discover their strengths and weaknesses and works on both consistently. “I would discuss with the patient their goals, as well as my expectations, such as diet, exercise and health maintenance. Mammograms, cholesterol testing, blood pressure monitoring and health exams would also be some of my expectations.”
Best Health Advice Quit smoking. Funk deals with smokers individually. “Some know they need to stop but they’re not interested in trying. Others are motivated.” He recommends resources such as Delaware Quit Line and the American Lung Association.
On Diet When dieting for weight control, people simply must eat less. Total calories matter most, and healthy foods will satisfy your appetite longer. “Make gradual, small changes with the addition of more vegetables and fresh fruit.” Keep a detailed diary of food intake and portions.
On Exercise Have fun. “Any activity is better than none. Find one you like and stick with it.”
Keeping Current Funk listens to podcasts from Johns Hopkins Medicine and the Bloomberg School of Public Health, which cover topics from new treatments for liver cancer to the link between smoking and blood clots. He also attends lectures by the Delaware Academy of Family Physicians on issues such as treatments for Type 2 diabetes. “But I learn most from patients. There are clinical trials, but it is how patients react to the studies that matters most. You don’t find that in textbooks.”
The most exciting thing in medicine “The ability to alter the course of chronic conditions and, as a result, provide many more meaningful years to so many patients.” Funk routinely sees couples who are in their 80s.

Page 4: Pediatrics | Julia M. Pillsbury, DO, Middletown and Dover


Photograph by Thom ThompsonPediatrics   

Julia M. Pillsbury, DO, Middletown and Dover

Pillsbury started the Center for Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine in 1992 for one reason: “to create a child-centered and family-friendly practice in an environment that puts the child at ease by having a pleasant office and a professional staff.” A member of the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College of Osteopathic Pediatricians, Pillsbury is a diplomate of the American Board of Pediatrics and the American Osteopathic Board of Pediatrics.
Philosophy of Care To empower parents by guiding them through educational programs such as asthma classes for parents and older children. Pillsbury employs a lactation consultant who helps moms who are struggling to breastfeed. The consultant conducts support groups and provides one-to-one visits.
Best Health Advice Make sure children receive all recommended immunizations on schedule.
On Exercise If it’s fun, children will incorporate it into their daily routines. And because physical activity tends to decline as a child ages, it should be incorporated into overall family life. “Whether it be Rollerblading, skateboarding, competitive sports, or a friendly game of Hide and Seek, get children out to play after school and every day.”      
On Diet Diets rich in fruits and vegetables may reduce the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases by providing essential vitamins, minerals and fiber. Junk food, on the other hand, is junk. It’s hard for a kid to pass up, so the entire family needs to resist as one. “We cannot attack childhood obesity until we re-educate parents,” Pillsbury says, so buy fewer snack foods, convenience foods and fast foods.
On discipline “The focus of discipline should be to teach, not to punish.” Parents are only human, so they make mistakes, too. But they still have to teach kids children to be respectful citizens. “Parents are often so overwhelmed, they forget to praise their child and focus only on their kids’ mistakes.”
The Greatest Health Concern for Local Children Stress. It’s caused everywhere: in school, by sports, at home. Parents are under pressure at work. Families eat on the run. “Sick children get sent to school or daycare, so their health care is often delayed due to the parents’ inability to alter their schedules or their lack of health insurance or coverage.”
Keeping Current Pillsbury receives daily email reports from services such as MedPage Today and Medscape. She is active in the American Academy of Pediatrics and attends conferences hosted by the Medical Society of Delaware and the American College of Osteopathic Pediatricians, among others. “I am aware of what is being looked at nationally, and I know I have a means of communicating my concerns to our national leadership. This allows me to impact the well-being of many children, not just those in my practice.”
Most Exciting Thing in Pediatric Medicine The increased awareness of childhood obesity and the need for good nutrition in the lay and medical communities. School lunch menus are improving, but Pillsbury wants school officials to provide more nutritional fare.

Page 5: Pediatrics | Joseph DiSanto, MD, Wilmington


Photograph by Thom ThompsonPediatrics   

Joseph DiSanto, MD, Wilmington

DiSanto wants  the government to pass laws that protect kids from marketing products that are not in their best interest. “That goes for infant formulas to replace breastmilk”—it’s not as nutritious—“to cigarette advertisements that target teens.” A member of the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine, DiSanto teaches parents to read and understand food labels, but he would like to see nutritional values clearly marked everywhere people eat and shop.
Philosophy of Care “I practice the ‘give them roots and wings’ philosophy. We give (parents) the knowledge they need to make their own decisions.”
On Parenting If parents model good eating and exercise, kids will likely follow. “Shut off cell phones, BlackBerries, computers, TVs and DVDs. Good health also means teaching children to be kind, humble and grateful. Pass on your belief in a higher power than ourselves.”
On Exercise Learn to appreciate the outdoors, and you’ll get more out of exercise. With your children, “talk about the sky, the flowers, the critters. Discuss colors, odors and temperature. After dinner, leave the dishes in the sink and take a walk, even in winter. There will be lots to talk about with your kids.”
On Diet Eat close to the ground. The more food resembles the plant and animal it originated from, the more healthful it is likely to be. Avoid high-fructose corn syrup, a sweetener found in many foods, and beverages that may contribute to an increased risk of diabetes and obesity.
On Discipline “Try to figure out what your baby, toddler, teen or adult child is really looking for. Oftentimes the behavior you see is just the surface manifestation of a different issue. Try not to be too judgmental or dogmatic. Ask questions, probe a little, hug a little, even with a teenager, just not in public.” Set clear rules and discuss in advance the consequences of breaking them.
The Greatest Health Concern for Local Children “I have great concern about the education of Delaware children. Parents need to try to be better role models, but schools must include mandatory physical education programs.”
Keeping Current DiSanto attends pediatric meetings at the Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children and national conventions of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine.
The Most Exciting Thing in Pediatric Medicine More effective vaccines. “Our newest vaccines are moving toward protecting us from some forms of cancer.” DiSanto sees a renewed interest in breastfeeding, thanks to initiatives by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Page 6: Pediatrics | Paula Nadig, MD, Millville


Photograph by Thom ThompsonPediatrics

Paula Nadig, MD, Millville

“Children can’t always speak for themselves, but they can tell you a lot from their physical examination,” says Nadig of Coastal Kidwatch Pediatrics. She tuned her listening skills by working in the emergency room at Bellevue Hospital Center, a New York hospital that serves the poor. “No matter what the setting, the patient is best served by listening carefully to the history and doing a thorough and complete examination. The parents can give you the symptoms, but history taking is a skill that is learned over time.” Nadig is a fellow of both the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Delaware Medical Society.
Philosophy of Care “Every child and their family deserves the best care I can deliver.” Nadig takes a patient’s entire history into account before making medical decisions and knows when to seek the advice or assistance of a pediatric sub-specialist.
On Exercise Whether exercise is formal, like yoga or aerobics class, or informal, like gardening or cleaning, it all burns calories. Walk whenever possible. Exercise as a family. Play Frisbee on the beach. Dance at home.
On Diet Fruit juice is loaded with sugar. Don’t be fooled by the “100 percent” fruit juice description. Eating a real piece of fruit is always better. “Soda and sugary drinks are a waste of calories.”
On discipline: “Be consistent. Don’t be afraid to be the parent. You are in charge. Set rules and stick to them.”
Keeping Current Nadig subscribes to publications such as PREP, the journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. She has taken more than 100 hours of continuing medical education during the past two years by attending conferences on autism and developmental delays, psychopharmacology, obesity, pediatric pulmonology, reflux and antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections.
The most exciting thing in pediatric medicine “Vaccines have always been and remain the most exciting thing in pediatric medicine. Vaccines eliminate diseases that in the past devastated families with death or disability. In my lifetime, I have seen vaccines eliminate polio. In my medical lifetime, I have seen vaccines eliminate or reduce meningitis, pneumonia, measles, mumps, rubella and chicken pox. Meningitis can be a thing of the past if every child gets vaccinated. The newest vaccine against human papilloma virus has the potential to eliminate cervical cancer in women. Other medical advances pale in comparison to vaccines, which eliminate disease entirely.”

Page 7: Geriatrics | Patricia Curtin, MD, Wilmington


Photograph by Thom ThompsonGeriatrics   

Patricia Curtin, MD, Wilmington

A member of the American Geriatrics Society and other organizations, Curtin is chief of geriatrics at Christiana Care Health System, where she takes part in We Improve Senior Health. Curtin is board certified in both geriatric and internal medicine.
Philosophy of Care “I feel that doctors should demonstrate competence, caring and compassion. I also feel that we should offer and discuss with patients the options available to them, but help guide them and their families to make good decisions. Taking into consideration the functional status of a patient (how they get through the day) is very important in geriatrics.”
Best Health Advice “There is no magic potion or formula. It’s a combination of diet, exercise, staying active, getting regular checkups and screenings, minimizing unnecessary medications, and reducing risk of injury and falls.” And don’t smoke.
Live Longer Stay active physically and mentally. “It will be different for each person, but it’s important.”
On Exercise All forms of aerobic, strengthening and balance exercise benefit both mind and body. “Do what you can during the course of a week. Walking is a wonderful exercise,” even when done with a walking stick or cane.
On Diet Eat from all food groups. Choose six small meals a day or two large and a small one. Multivitamins are good.
Keeping Current Curtin attends national and local conferences that focus on geriatrics and internal medicine. She frequents those produced by the American Geriatrics Society, American Medical Directors, the American College of Physicians, The Johns Hopkins Hospital and Health System, the Medical Society of Delaware and New York University.
The Greatest Health Concern for Local Seniors The potential need for different sorts of care due to longer lives. “Heart disease and cancer are still concerns for most Americans, but with the advances clinically in both of these diseases, people are living longer, and, hopefully, with a good quality of life. As we age, the risk of dementia increases, and so we are faced with an aging population that is living longer and may require different types of care, depending on other health problems.”

Page 8: Geriatrics | Manu Sehgal, MD, Milford


Photograph by Thom ThompsonGeriatrics

Manu Sehgal, MD, Milford

Sehgal excels in the prevention and management of the unique health concerns of older adults. Though he also serves younger patients, he is noted for managing multiple disease symptoms and developing care plans that address the needs of the elderly. Most of Sehgal’s practice is dedicated to treating patients affected by Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, cerebrovascular disease, dizziness and incontinence, and to managing patients in long-term care. Sehgal is associated with Milford Memorial Hospital and Beebe Medical Center. He received his board certification in internal medicine in 2002 and certificate of added qualification in geriatrics in 2003.
Philosophy of Care To educate, inform and involve patients in their own care as much as possible to improve their quality of life.   
On Exercise Consistency is key, as is finding an activity that you enjoy. Walking is a great choice. “Exercise for 30 minutes at a time most days of the week.”
Advice on diet and nutrition Though some processed foods, like milk and frozen vegetables, are fine, most processed foods are made with trans fats, saturated fats, and large amounts of sodium and sugar. Avoid canned foods with lots of sodium. Instead of eating white breads and pastas made with refined white flour, go for whole-grain products. Give up packaged high-calorie snack foods like chips, fatty convenience foods such as canned ravioli and sugary breakfast cereals.
 The greatest health concern facing Delaware seniors The skyrocketing cost of prescription medications and the high costs of insurance for long-term care coverage for patients with mental health issues.
The most exciting thing in geriatrics “The challenge, because of the multiple medical problems in a given individual, along with the psycho-social issues,” Sehgal says. The stress of aging can lead to mental conditions such as depression, so older adults sometimes experience new and recurring psychological disorders. Those psychological symptoms and syndromes often occur with physical illness, so medical problems are more common in older adults.

Page 9: Universal Truths?


Universal Truths?

You are paying for the healthcare of the uninsured, which is why the state’s leading authority pushes universal care—especially in Delaware.

Dr. Stephen R. Permut isn’t the only person who calls the country’s healthcare system a mess. But he does say it more emphatically than most.
“What will happen in this increasingly downward spiral is that more and more people will not be taken care of efficiently,” he says.
The solution, he says, is universal healthcare. The barrier: the perception that it will cost us more in taxes.
Permut, chair of the Delaware delegation to the American Medical Association, is one of the nation’s experts on healthcare reform. He points to a rising number of botched surgeries, mistakes in medication and infant mortality as examples of deteriorating care—which raises costs by forcing professionals to correct mistakes or pay large rewards to victims in malpractice suits.
Permut is chair of family practice and community health at Temple University, a past chair of the American Medical Association Council on Legislation, founder of the Medical Society of Delaware’s Legislative Action Committee and a frequent Doctor of the Day in Dover, helping legislators decipher health-related bills and laws. He tells people across the nation that universal care could save the country $130 billion a year, but his message is not always met with enthusiasm.
“One fear is that universal health care will raise taxes,” he says. “It wouldn’t surprise me if the people against it have insurance, so it’s not a big political issue to them. But each year, as they get their notices from their human resources departments about how much more will be taken out of their checks for benefits, it will become a dig deal.”
The reason universal care is perceived as a big expenditure is because, at first, it is. “To buy a reasonable policy for everybody that’s uninsured would cost $200 billion,” Permut says. “What people don’t realize is that once you have a system in place, you can build efficiencies that will save money.”
Permut advocates an electronic information system to help professionals improve preventative care and avoid costly mistakes. Detect colon cancer early, for example, and you pay only $800 for a colonoscopy instead of $30,000 for colon resection. Identify and treat high blood pressure early, and you might prevent a stroke.
According to Permut, there are 47 million uninsured Americans, and 27 percent of them earn $50,000 a year or more. For every uninsured person, there are insured people paying his tab, to the tune of $45 billion a year. “Now figure in the fact that 16 percent of our gross domestic product goes to healthcare,” says Permut. “That’s two times the rate of overall inflation.”
Cost-shifting—when insurers raise premiums to make up for underpayment by others—is especially troublesome in Delaware. The state has no charity hospital, so every insurance consumer pays for the uninsured treated at a local hospital.
“The reason the cost of an uninsured person’s bypass was $75,000 instead of $14,000 was that hospitals could cost-shift,” says Permut. “It’s not a measure of a hospital trying to gouge people. Reimbursements are uneven, and insurance doesn’t cover all services, so hospitals often are forced to shift their costs and charges to services that are more favorably reimbursed.”
Insurance is becoming so expensive, many small business owners can’t provide it to employees. That could lead to more uninsured, higher costs for the insured—and an even bigger mess.

Page 10: Find a Doc Now–Hassle Free


Find a Doc Now—Hassle Free

Need to find a good doctor? Insurance plans force patients to choose specific doctors, yet those doctors don’t always accept new patients. Even Blue Cross Blue Shield of Delaware offers a doctor finder, but many of its available doctors are, well, unavailable. So how do you find a physician?
You ask around, says Mark Meister, executive director of the Medical Society of Delaware. “Consult family members, friends and coworkers.” Or visit the society’s new online physician finder, which provides background information and insurance practices. The finder can’t guarantee a doctor will accept patients, so if he doesn’t, “you go to your second or third choice,” says Meister. “And if that doesn’t work, ask the practice to recommend a doctor.” Websites such as and also are helpful.
Doctors burn out, which is why most cap their practices at 3,500 patients. “Good doctors are around, but once people find out who they are, practices fill up really quick,” says Dr. Jerry Gluckman.
His waiting room is packed with patients every weekday, yet he and other primary care physicians at Brandywine Medical Associates in Wilmington are accepting new patients—via a shortcut for consumers. “It’s called an internal referral, which means we’ll take a new patient faster if a responsible, current patient recommends him,” he says.
Like the rest of the country, Delaware is facing a shortage of primary care doctors, yet the Delaware Division of Public Health reports that 83 percent of Delaware’s 781 primary care physicians are accepting new patients. It’s important to note that pediatricians comprise 20 percent of primary care physicians, and that many primary doctors are accepting fewer Medicare and Medicaid patients.
“In a perfect world, there would be a national master database of physicians listed by specialty and geographic region that was continuously updated with all sorts of insurance information,” Meister says. The complexities of that system would be enormous, he admits. Delaware has the medical society’s web site. Start there.

Page 11: Top Doctors – A listing of the most recommended doctors by their professional peers, as determined by a Delaware Today survey of licensed physicians in Delaware.


Top Doctors

Doctors listed below were the most recommended by their professional peers, as determined by a Delaware Today survey of licensed physicians in Delaware. YIP denotes years in practice. Addresses listed are for main offices only. Doctors may have others.

Family Physicians

Greg Bahtiarian, DO 43
20251 John J. Williams Hwy., Lewes, 644-6860
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey School of Osteopathic Medicine
YIP: 14

Alex Bianchi, DO 34
5936 Limestone Road, Suite 202, Hockessin, 239-4500
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
YIP: 5

Nicholas Biasotto, DO 56
620 Stanton-Christiana Road, Newark, 998-1284
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
YIP: 28

William Funk, MD 58
665 Churchmans Road, Newark, 731-0900
Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University
YIP: 28

Bernard King, DO 44
1403 Foulk Road, Suite 105, Wilmington, 479-0100
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
YIP: 14

Susan Kirchdoerffer, DO 40
2036 Foulk Road, Suite 101, Wilmington, 475-9844
University of Scranton Medical School
YIP: 14

Joseph F. Rubacky III, DO 52
Dover Family Physicians, 1324 S. Governors Ave., Dover, 734-2500
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
YIP: 26

Alan Warrington, DO 47
5307 Limestone Road, Suite 202, Wilmington, 239-9599
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
YIP: 19

Geriatric Specialists

Patricia Curtin, MD 50
501 W. 14th St., Suite 5236, Wilmington, 428-4646
Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University
YIP: 20

Charles Hill, MD 62
1300 Delaware Ave., Wilmington, 658-5822
University of Mississippi School of Medicine
YIP: 34

Edward McConnell, MD 57
5311 Limestone Road, Suite 201, Wilmington, 234-9109
Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University
YIP: 29

Manu Sehgal, MD 36
515 S. Dupont Blvd., Milford, 725-0661, 422- 6778
S.N. Medical College, Jodhpur, India
YIP: 5

David Simpson, MD 50
1401 Foulk Road, Christiana, Wilmington, 477-3300
Universidad Del Noreste, Mexico
YIP: 13


Neal Cohn, MD 55
4735 Ogletown-Stanton Road, Suite 1116, Newark, 368-8612
Pennsylvania State University College of MedicineYIP: 26

Joseph DiSanto, MD 58
3521 Silverside Road, 1F, Wilmington, 478-7805
University of Buffalo School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
YIP: 30

Jerald Eng, MD 57
3521 Silverside Road, Suite 1F, Wilmington, 478-4845
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
YIP: 22

Judith Feick, MD 49
5500 Skyline Drive, Wilmington, 239-7755
University of Maryland School of Medicine and Bucknell University Medical School
YIP: 19

Cynthia Gabrielli, DO 55
5500 Skyline Drive, Wilmington, 239-7755. Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
YIP: 27

J. Carlton Gartner Jr. MD 62
Nemours/Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children, 1600 Rockland Road, Wilmington, 651-4000
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
YIP: 37

Janaki Kaza, MD 60
18 Old Rudnick Lane, Dover, 674-2616
Guntur Medical College, India
YIP: 30

Jay Ludwicki, MD 44
33759 Clay Road, Suite 3, Lewes, 644-2860; 424 Mulberry St., Milton, 684-0561
Temple University School of Medicine
YIP: 14

Marilyn Lynam, MD 63
5500 Skyline Drive, Wilmington, 239-7755
Medical College of Virginia of Virginia Commonwealth University
YIP: 34

Paula Nadig, MD 56
203 Atlantic Ave., Suite 1, Millville, 537-0793
New York University Medical School
YIP: 26

Julia Pillsbury, DO 56
125 Greentree Drive, Dover, 678-8333 | 209 E. Main St., Middletown
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
YIP: 17

Pankaj Sanwal, MD 41
1 Sterling Ave., Georgetown | 16391 Savannah Road, Lewes, 856-6967
St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital, University of Rajasthan, India
YIP: 10

Lowell Scott, MD 41
807 Hickory Lane, Milford, 424-0115
Eastern Virginia Medical School
YIP: 10

Joseph Vitale DO 63
4735 Ogletown-Stanton Road, Suite 1116, Newark, 368-8612
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
YIP: 33

Rhonda S. Walter, MD 48
Nemours/Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children, 1600 Rockland Road, Wilmington, 651-4000
Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University
YIP: 23

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