As a UD alumna, I ate more D.P. Dough calzones than I care to admit. So when I heard the eatery closed in 2014, I think I shed a tear or two. I rejoiced when I heard the business would reopen in 2017 in the Park ‘n Shop Plaza on South Main and would continue to offer fresh and speedy deliveries even during the early morning hours.
But news recently broke that D.P. Dough is now returning to Main Street after the closure of Calios, a rival calzone chain at 93 E. Main St. The company will run all Newark deliveries out of the Park ‘n Shop location, but both eateries will remain open for walk-in traffic.
More information:
D.P. Dough
93 E. Main St., Newark • 273-2910
257 S. Main St., Newark • 533-5085