302 Health May 2012

The Fresh Diet: Delaware Weight Loss Programs

If the thought of eating vacuum-packed and frozen food has you queasy, consider The...

Nutrisystem: Delaware Weight Loss Programs

Like Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem—the choice of Janet Jackson and Terry Bradshaw—offers prepared foods. Founded...

Jenny Craig: Delaware Weight Loss Programs

If counting calories and measuring food gives you math anxiety, consider a meal replacement...

Delaware Health: Weight Loss Programs

Get Skinny: Here’s the dirt on Delaware’s weight-loss joints.

Zumba: Julianne Howard of Camden-Wyoming, Delaware

“I love to dance, but I never once took a class before I became...
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Zumba: Revital Hermann of Wilmington, Delaware

As Hermann talks about her love of Zumba, a fellow staff member  in the...

Zumba: Sandi P. Jones of Newark, Delaware

Zumba is more than exercise and fun to Jones, an instructor—it was her ticket...

Zumba: Jennifer Palacio of Newark, Delaware

Power Zumba burns 700 to 1,000 calories an hour, says Palacio, 42. “We work...

Delaware Health: Two Friends Battle Kidney Disease

A Tale of Two Kidneys: Life takes unexpected twists and turns as two longtime friends battle kidney disease.

Delaware Health: Neighborhood Pharmacies

Making it Personal: The return of the neighborhood pharmacy.
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