Photo by Maria DeForrest
Beached & Rescued has grown organically to offer home goods, furniture and earth-friendly skincare on the coast of Delaware.
Amy Dolan’s home décor business, Beached & Rescued, began, oddly enough, with a product called Pit Paste. Pregnant after a series of miscarriages, the Rehoboth Beach–area resident and her husband, James, decided to live a chemical-free lifestyle. Her first product, an aluminum-free deodorant, led to a skin care line with an antiaging trio. “[They’re] basically made with ingredients that women used years ago,” she says of the organic products.
With her friends’ encouragement, she sold the line at The Brush Factory in Lewes, which also showcases a bevy of painted and repurposed furniture. Dolan, who loves to work with her hands, decided to get into home décor.
Today, Beached & Rescued marries her passion for natural skin care with her interest in home furnishings. “It just took off,” she says of the business, which is named for the environment and “rescuing” your skin from the “sands of time.”
She’s moved from The Brush Factory to a complex of offices and warehouses on Route 9 in Harbeson. Don’t let the exterior fool you. Inside, there are a series of photo-worthy tableaux with artwork, lamps, mirrors and statues. Shoppers can buy just a console or add the lights and teal-colored glass plates that complement it.

“One of the most popular items is the Lewes Whaling Co. pillow by Sewing Down South. The Charleston company is owned by Fenwick Island native Craig Conover, a star on Bravo’s Southern Charm and Summer House.”
Dolan’s items have an undisputed coastal vibe, but they’re far from kitschy. (There are no lamps with lighthouse bases, for instance.) The tasteful pieces would look at home in any posh setting in Henlopen Acres or North Shores.
One of the most popular items is the Lewes Whaling Co. pillow by Sewing Down South. The Charleston company is owned by Fenwick Island native Craig Conover, a star on Bravo’s Southern Charm and Summer House. But don’t believe everything you see on TV, she warns. “He’s a real gentleman.”
Dolan’s legacy skin care products have a place of honor on one side of her boutique. There is vitamin C cream, lavender-and-sweet sugar scrub, and beard shaving soap. (There is also a Pit Paste for men.)
Dolan also makes home visits and will serve as a personal shopper. Her skin care line is on Etsy.
Since the shop has limited hours, call or visit the Facebook page before visiting. After working so hard to have a family, she’s determined to keep work and family life in balance.
Beached & Rescued
6830 Sonny Boulevard, Building 3, Unit A, Harbeson
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