As we approach the holiday season, many of us are looking for ways to give back. There’s one gift people in Delaware and throughout the country are desperate for that could mean the difference between life and death: Blood.
Blood banks are facing an unprecedented loss in donations. With fewer blood drives, the loss of youth and first-time donors, and the increase in remote workers unavailable to participate in office blood drives, the shortage is increasingly concerning.
“Emergencies don’t recognize holidays. Trauma or cancer diagnoses happen every day. The Blood Bank of Delmarva has to be ready to help our hospitals address those issues 365 days a year,” says Emily Cunningham, vice president of the blood bank, which operates 24/7.
While all blood types are needed, there’s a dire demand for Type O-negative, Type O-positive, Type B-negative and platelets.
“We need 350 people to donate blood every day to complete our mission,” Cunningham says. “There is no replacement for human blood. Therefore, we can only get it from volunteer blood donors. Sixty-two percent of the U.S. population is eligible to donate blood; only 3 percent do. So, if you’ve never donated, please give it a try. If you are a donor, please consider coming in one more time this year. …“[We] are grateful for every person that has taken the time to donate blood. Please know that your donation has made a world of difference for someone.”
Visit or call 800-8-BLOOD-8 to make an appointment.
Related: Great Spots for Older Adults to Volunteer in Delaware