Delaware Salaries: Mark Turner, WSFS Bank CEO and President

Salary information for the WSFS Bank CEO and president

CEO & President
Mark Turner, WSFS Bank, Wilmington
Salary: $491,592 | $1,054,744
In this position: seven years
Job fave: Getting out to talk with associates and customers several times a week through informal and formal formats. “I can do a very limited job if I get my information about what’s going on by looking at numbers or reports.”
What has best prepared you to be the leader you are today: “The Great Recession and the regulatory tide that came along with that. In the last five years I feel like I’ve learned 15 years’ worth of business, banking and leadership. 
Sending the right internal message: When it’s clear WSFS is not a good fit, it’s important to be fair, compassionate and strategic about letting someone go. “Treating people well on the way out is the right thing to do because they are human beings, and it sends a message to the 800 people that remain.

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