Letters From Our Readers
Trusting Wilmington Trust?
I read the article in Delaware Today called “Wilmington Bust” (April 2011). I have been a customer of the (Wilmington Trust) Georgetown branch for over 25 years. The employees there are courteous, friendly, helpful and all-around great.
About five years ago I applied for a $100,000 loan and was turned down. I had net assets of over $500,000, good credit and a good job. After reading the article I can only guess they were saving the loans for the builders and developers.
One thing not mentioned in the article were the assets W.T. should have received, such as all the unsold condos, homes and several hundred acres of land. If the developers and builders were granted loans without adequate security or assets, the loan officers and executives responsible should be arrested for fraud and their remaining assets seized as they purposely, through greed, defrauded the investors holding stock in Wilmington Trust.
Walter J. Godwin
More on Pakistan …
Delaware Today has done a tremendous service in enhancing international understanding between Pakistan and the USA. Thanks to the PDF file you sent to me. The article, “Hands Across the Water,” has been read by many in Pakistan, at the U.S. State Department, the Embassy of Pakistan in Washington, the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad, the International Rotary Governor for Pakistan and Afghanistan, and so many more.
I received an email from a highly placed official in the Pakistani government who wrote that “publication in Delaware Today is being discussed a lot in informed circles here in Pakistan.” Early this afternoon the chief of the Pakistan desk of the U.S. State Department calling to review a meeting this Friday told me that the PDF had been read by several members of the senior staff of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Pakistani ambassador Husain Haqqani, his chief of staff Mudassir Tipu and press attache Nadeem Hotiana all have hard copies of the magazine and the PDF.
Suffice it to say, my partner and counterpart in Lahore, Pakistan, Almas Jovindah, who was so eloquently quoted by Nick (DiUlio) to great effect throughout the article, was enormously pleased. After all these years, for Almas to read a positive article on Pakistan and its people was exceptional. The Lahore Mozang Rotary Club—our terrific partner in Pakistan—shared the PDF with all members and many, many others beyond my own Pakistani 40-person mailing list.
So I say thank you (editorial staff) for your willingness to take a risk on writing about the Pakistan project, and to Nick for his absolutely superb writing skills, which captured the essence of what this Pakistan project is all about.
With my gratitude and very best regards,
Kathleen M. Meyer
Chairwoman, The Pakistan Project
Rotary Club of Wilmington, Delaware
My special thanks to (the editorial staff at Delaware Today and Nick DiUlio). You guys have won thousands of hearts across the waters, which will lead many hands to shake out of love and friendship in all the times to come. Delaware Today proved true to its mission statement and I quote the last line which says, “Taking an unflinching look at the people and issues that influence the way we live.” Thanks for being with us to influence positively about humanity.
Almas Jovindah
Chairman, Pakistan Project
Lahore, Pakistan
On behalf of myself and the state chamber, I would like to thank you for the article on me. Your circulation is obviously encompassing, as I have received many favorable comments from all over the place.
Thomas J. Cooper
President, Cooper Realty Associates Inc.
Chair, Delaware State Chamber of Commerce
Good Choice
Kudos to Delaware Today for appointing Maria Hess as the new editor-in-chief. Several years ago, she and I worked together on a very successful collaborative writing project. I found Maria to be bright, enthusiastic, energetic and very creative. Her leadership abilities, coupled with her excellent writing skills, will bring a new look and energy to Delaware Today.
Jerry Cain
Executive Director
Wilmington Housing Partnership
I write you from a city far, far away. Let me introduce myself: My name is Nicholas del Curatolo. I’m a lawyer and a judge of peace writing you from Bari, Italy. Bari is the city where the tomb of Saint Nicholas is and we are very proud of this.
I frequently use an application on my iPad named Zinio. A few weeks ago I bought Delaware Today May (issue) in a digital form. (I was very curious about an article on singles in Delaware.) BANG! It was love at first sight! I loved the (issue)—I loved even the commercials.
Yesterday I bought the June (issue).
So let me say your newspaper is a great newspaper. Before I bought Delaware Today, I never knew even where Delaware was, and I have been in America three times.
Nicholas del Curatolo
Bari, Italy