You use olive oil for flavor, which is all well and fine. But Dolores Waddell also wants you to know about the diet and health benefits. Having lost several loved ones to conditions and diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and cancer, she’s happy to spread the word about the polyphenols and antioxidants in olive oil that can help anyone manage their cholesterol and eat healthfully in other ways. All it takes is a stop at her Fusions Taster’s Choice on Silverside Road in Wilmington. The 14-month-old store is loaded with infused balsamic vinegars, sea salts of every description and, of course, premium olive oils, some infused with flavors from herbs and spices to blood oranges—all tapped from barrels on the spot for maximum freshness. Online orders are ready for pickup the next day. Tastings are available any time (Monday though Saturday), or drop in on Jan. 31 at 2 p.m. Waddell will explain all—health, flavor and cooking. 478-1409, www.fusionstasterschoice.com