Grilled Salmon Recipe, Jewish Community Center Exercise Programs, Eating Out and Staying Slim

Plus, exciting healthy events!

Maple and
Mustard Grilled Salmon

Harvest Market featured this recipe
on its Facebook page.
Prep time: 20 minutes
Serves 4


1/3 cup maple syrup
3 tablespoons whole-grain mustard
1 teaspoon cider vinegar
1/2 teaspoon finely chopped fresh thyme leaves
1/8 teaspoon kosher salt
1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
4 (6-ounce) salmon fillets, skin on
Olive oil, for oiling the grill and the fish
Kosher salt
Freshly ground black pepper

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1. Heat a grill pan or outdoor grill to medium high (about 375° F to 425° F).
2. Meanwhile, place all of the glaze ingredients in a medium oven-safe frying pan and whisk until combined.
3. When the grill is ready, place the frying pan on the grill, cover the grill, and cook until the glaze just comes to a boil, about 3 to 4 minutes. Using a hot pad or dry towel, remove the pan from the grill; set aside.
4. Pat the salmon dry with paper towels. Brush both sides of the fillets with vegetable oil and season both sides generously with salt and pepper.
5. Rub the grill grates with a towel dipped in oil. Place the salmon on the grill skin-side down, cover the grill, and cook undisturbed until grill marks appear and the skin is starting to crisp, about 2 to 3 minutes. Using a flat spatula, carefully flip the fillets over and brush the skin with some of the glaze. Cover the grill and continue to cook until the salmon is just opaque in the center, about 2 to 4 minutes more. Transfer to a serving plate and serve immediately, passing the remaining glaze on the side.

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Jewish Community Center Exercise Programs

I just asked my nine-year-old son to show me how to set up an exercise game on the Xbox Kinect while holding a glass of wine and eating crackers. This does not bode well for me nor show a lot of confidence in whether this game could truly count as exercise.

Fast forward a few days, I found myself both pleasantly surprised and sweating. The game has a host of workouts from running to yoga to a Zumba-style class. Since I live with MS, falling is an issue for me. With this game, however, I can exercise safely in my home surrounded by pillows. This game, a lovely Mother’s Day gift from my son, has forced me out of making excuses to work out.

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We have all heard the excuses before:

  •  “I don’t have time.”
  • “But there’s a Happy Hour.”
  • “But I already showered.”
  • “I’m self-conscious exercising around other people.”
  • “But this couch is so comfortable.”
  • “I am too tired. I will do it tomorrow.”
  • “The classes I want to take are never offered when I can do them.”

Some fitness centers in our fine state have become creative in keeping people from making excuses. The Jewish Community Center in North Wilmington (JCC) came up with a couple of great strategies to break down those barriers to exercise and make excuses null and void.

  • Spinning on Demand. So you can’t make the 5 p.m. spin class? That’s all right. The JCC has a Spinning DVDs Library for people to access and get their own class on their time. Members can choose from a set of DVDs where you can use the spinning bike to cycle around the world—an entirely self-navigated experience—or they could use spinning class CDs where a certified spin instructor guides you through a full 45-minute workout.
  • Group Personal Training. Now you can still see your friends and get personalized attention all while fitting in your workout. This is such a win-win. You save money and still get the benefits of having a personal trainer. Most importantly, you’re not just accountable to your trainer, you’re accountable to your friends to show up as well, so you’re more likely to not make excuses.

My new exercise game has proven to me you that can find a workout anywhere. Even when you’re holding a glass of wine and some crackers.

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Eating Out and Staying Slim

Yummy restaurant foods can kill any hopes of donning those bikinis. But there are ways to dine out without beefing up. (more)

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Healthy Events

Saturday, June 22
Inaugural Silver Strand Foundation 5K benefitting Navy SEALs
Location  Christiana Towers, Clayton Hall, University of Delaware,
100 David Hollowell Drive,
Time  9 a.m. start
More info.

Saturday, June 29
Kid’s Day at the Western Sussex Farmer’s Market w/Nanticoke Health Tent
Location  Mears Health Campus, 200 Health Services Drive, Seaford
Time  8:30 a.m to  11 a.m.
More info., 629-6611, ext. 8948

Sunday, June 30
11th Rusty Rudder 5K
Location  Rusty Rudder, Highway One at Dickinson St., Dewey Beach
Time  8 a.m.
More info.

To submit your health-related event, email

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