Harry’s Hospitality Group, which owns Harry’s Seafood Grill at the Riverfront (on the Making Strides route), has come on board as a flagship sponsor of Making Strides Against Breast Cancer in Wilmington.
“I want to use the popularity of Harry’s Hospitality restaurants to engage the energy of staff and guests to make a difference in the fight against breast cancer and to have fun at the same time,” says Xavier Teixido, owner of Harry’s Hospitality. “I love the energy of the Making Strides event. It matches our talents and outreach. We’re big on community.
“Fighting cancer has been around our home personally and professionally for years,” says Teixido, whose father is a cancer survivor and a retired general surgeon who specialized in cancer treatment. “Staff at all four Harry’s restaurants—Harry’s Seafood Grill, Harry’s Savoy Grill, Harry’s Savoy Ballroom and Kid Shelleen’s—will be wearing pink for the first 10 days of October, which will allow thousands of guests to learn about the walk and spark a dialogue.”
Harry’s will also have a team walking in Making Strides.
“Kid Shelleen’s is having a post-event party after Making Strides from noon to 4 p.m. and will have special promotions to help support the breast cancer fight,” says Peter Briccotto, American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer event specialist. “The community is invited. In addition, Harry’s Seafood is hosting a VIP luncheon for the top 20 fundraisers. We are very grateful to Harry’s Hospitality Group, which has won multiple Best of Delaware awards.”
Diver Chevrolet of Wilmington has returned as a major Making Strides partner and is raffling a 2014 Chevy Cruze to raise funds. Raffle tickets are $10 each. The winner will be announced at Making Strides on Oct. 11.
“I don’t think that there’s anyone who doesn’t have a relative, a friend or who’s been personally touched by a breast cancer diagnosis. It’s a cause that’s easy to support,” says Rich Diver, CEO of Diver Chevrolet, who will once again drive the Making Strides event pace car.
All Harry’s restaurants are participating as “Hot Pink Pit Stops,” where the Chevy Cruze will be on display periodically from mid-September through Oct. 10 and where the community can buy raffle tickets anytime.
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer of Wilmington 5K Run/Walk
Wilmington Riverfront, Dravo Plaza
Saturday, Oct. 11, 9 a.m.