Home and Garden Events

 Thru July | Wednesdays at Winterthur

Every Wednesday at 11:30 a.m., the experts at Winterthur Museum & Country Estate offer demonstrations, talks, and guided walks covering a wide range of gardening topics. For more, visit winterthur.org, or call 888-4600.
May 1 | Wilmington Garden Day 
This self-guided tour features 13 of the city’s most distinctive homes and gardens. WGD is partnering with Winterthur Museum & Country Estate to offer patrons a complimentary presentation of “Money, Manure and Maintenance” on May 1 at 11:30 a.m. For $10, Garden Day patrons can see Winterthur’s new exhibition, “Lost Gardens of the Brandywine,” its galleries and 60-acre garden. For more, visit wilmingtongardenday.org, or call (610) 731-8192.
May 8-9 | Annual Wildflower, Native Plant and Seed Sale
Brandywine Conservancy volunteers present a selection of cultivated plants, which are hard to find in retail garden centers. The event is held at the Brandywine River Museum. For more, call (610) 388-2700, or visit brandywinemuseum.org.
May 15 | Historic New Castle Day
Tour 11 private homes and private gardens during one of the longest-running home tours in the country. For more, call (800) 618-7830 or visit historicnewcastlealliance.org.
May 15 | Plant Swap
Buy or trade some rare, newly introduced or difficult-to-propagate plants at the Delaware Center for Horticulture in Wilmington. For more, visit dehort.org, or call 658-6262.
June 4 | Specialty Nursery Tour
This unique trip will visit some relatively unknown regional nurseries where participants will find high-quality and hard-to-find plants. Many of these nurseries are not open to the public. Meet at the Longwood Gardens visitors parking lot at 8 a.m.
June 5 | Bethany Beach Seaside Craft Show
More than 100 fine craft exhibitors take over the boardwalk. For more, visit townofbethanybeach.com.
June 10 | Wilmington’s Public Gardens—A Progressive Picnic
The Delaware Center for Horticulture is offering a progressive picnic supper in the public gardens of Wilmington. Progressive means an appetizer at Goodstay Gardens, sandwiches at Gibraltar Gardens, cake in Trolley Square, then coffee and ice cream at Josephine Rose Garden in Brandywine Park. For more, visit dehort.org, or call 658-6262.
June 19 | Lewes Garden Tour
The tour starts at Saint Peter’s Episcopal Church on Market Street. But the whole town is charming so visit its historical museums, restaurants and shops. For more, visit leweschamber.com, or call 645-8073.
June 19 | Private Gems Garden Tour
This gem features eight private gardens: four in Wilmington, and four in southeastern Pennsylvania. For more, visit dehort.org, or call 658-6262.
July 6-7 | The 61st Annual Cottage Tour
This Rehoboth Art League event features splendid looks at local architecture. For more, call 227-8404, or visit rehobothartleague.org.
July 28-29 | Beach & Bay Cottage Tour
This tour of 10 outstanding homes in the Bethany Beach-Fenwick Island area benefits the Friends of the South Coastal Library. Hours are 9:30 a.m. till 4 p.m. For more, visit foscl.com/cottagetour.
July 29-Aug. 1 | All Saints Antiques Show
Furniture, china, jewelry and glassware is for sale at the Rehoboth Beach Convention Center. For more, call 227-7202, or visit rehobothantiques.com.
Aug. 7-8, 14-15 | Fine Art and Fine Craft Show
View works from 120 artists and craft persons on the Rehoboth Art League grounds. For more, call 227-8408, or visit rehobothartleague.org.  

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