Home and Garden Events

From home shows, flower shows, lectures and tours, there’s plenty happening on the home (and garden) front.

Feb. 3,10,16, 24 | Help for the Home Gardener Lectures
Every Thursday in February, the Delaware Center for Horticulture sponsors speakers who offer inspiration and expert advice to make your home more attractive and your gardening experience more enjoyable. For more, visit TheDCH.org, or call 658-6262.

Feb. 19, March 19 | Merchants’ Attic I and II
The state’s largest indoor garage sales, held at Rehoboth Beach Convention Hall, offer fabulous deals on handmade items, collectibles and antiques. Admission is one penny, though larger donations are appreciated. For more, visit beach-fun.com, or call 227-6446.

March 5-6 | Delaware Home Show
See 150 exhibitors display or demonstrate goods and services for the home at the Chase Center on the Riverfront in Wilmington. The downstate version at Dover Downs Hotel & Casino takes place March 26-27. The Delaware Homebuilders Association organizes both. For more, visit hbade.org, or call 678-1520.

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March 6-13 | The Philadelphia International Flower Show
The Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia will be transformed into a park scene alone the Seine for “Springtime in Paris.” Flowering trees, lilacs, roses and borders of lavender will lead enthusiasts through gardens inspired by the Tuileries. Several cabaret performers will enhance a Moulin Rouge feel. For more, visit theflowershow.com, or call (215) 988-8899.

March 25 | Orchid Show and Sale Opening Night
Take in a breathtaking orchid display and visit the dozens of vendors selling a variety of orchids. Don’t miss the other botanical wonders in bloom at Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania. For more, call (610) 388-1000, or visit longwoodgardens.org.

April 2 | Heart of the Home Kitchen Tour
Planning to renovate your kitchen? Don’t miss this self-guided tour of the area’s most fabulous kitchen renovations while enjoying food samples from local restaurants. A different gourmet treat will be served at every house. This year features the first outdoor kitchen. Proceeds benefit the Junior League of Wilmington. For more, visit heartofthehometour.com, or call 652-0544.

April 15-16 | Lewes Tulip Festival
When 5,000 tulips bloom in historic Lewes, you know spring has arrived. Take advantage of trolley tours, historic preservation seminars, a photo contest and more. While in Lewes, visit the Zwaanendael Museum, which will offer a special exhibit. For more, visit leweschamber.com, or call 645-8073.

April 30 | Rare Plant Auction
The Delaware Center for Horticulture’s premier auction gives attendees an opportunity to find rare, newly introduced or difficult to propagate plants. The year’s featured guest is Gordon Collier, a celebrated plant expert from New Zealand. The event takes place at Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, and it’s one of the season’s most anticipated events. For more visit TheDCH.org, or call 658-6262.

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