Letters: Fabulous Housewives, Fly Fishing, Delaware Today's 50th Anniversary Issue

May’s Fabulous Housewives

I received my (May 2012) issue today with the cover feature of “Fabulous Housewives of Delaware.”

This article is an embarrassment to the women of our state, to which I might add—no one from Kent or Sussex was featured.  These women are fabulously full of themselves, obviously insecure and should be ashamed for quoting such things. I can’t imagine how humiliated I would feel if my spouse was to be interviewed and portrayed themselves and my family in such manner.

One of the women quoted “I don’t follow the crowd, I am the crowd.” Another says, “Every week, I make sure he comes home to a clean bathroom, fresh sheets and home cooked meals It’s what makes me fabulous.” There are many more foolish quotes I won’t mention.

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Many women in Delaware are proudly raising our kids, working, carting them to practice, attending school meetings, cleaning house, making dinner, volunteering, going to their sporting events, and on and on. It’s called being a mom! And this is a precious gift to be given. 

I am originally born and raised in North Wilmington and relocated to Lewes18 years ago. I am the mother of two beautiful, smart and amazing teenage girls who make me laugh, and put a smile on my face every day.

This is being fabulous and fabulous should be felt from the inside.

Ashley Sutton


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Go Fish

As my husband is an avid fly fisherman, we read with great interest the article “So Fly” (April 2012). We were so impressed at how visual Bob Yearick’s writing was. Parts of the article made the reader visualize what the words were saying.  Thanks to good, factual information, the article was very descriptive of the art of an avid fly fisherman. The photography by Jared Castaldi enhanced the words. As a wife of someone who ordered a few hundred dollars of feathers and custom tied his flies over the years, I always enjoy my husband’s love of the art of fly fishing. Bob described this well. I look forward to more articles by Mr. Yearick.

Juanita Crawford

About Aprils’ 50th Anniversary Issue …

It was interesting to read all about the notable organizations in Delaware that are celebrating such milestones. Would you believe that the Delaware State Chamber of Commerce is 175 years old this year? We were founded in 1837 as the Wilmington Board of Trade. We are the oldest and most influential business advocacy organization in the state.

Jim Wolfe
President and CEO Delaware State Chamber of Commerce

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I think another word other than influential could and should have been used. During my 33 years as a teacher, I touched the lives of thousands of students, as I was what was called a “special” teacher and music educator, who had to learn the name of every student in the building to which assigned—which changed each year, and also the special needs of students in the school population.  Every time I was reassigned to a building, there were 200-300 or more new names to learn.  Students that I’ve taught have followed my same career path—one sings at the Metropolitan Opera and is based in Austria. I could go on and on, but there are many educators who have been a positive influence on the future lives of their students.  My argument with the article is (the word) influential. There are so many more influential people in the state other than politicians, university presidents, artists and business persons.

Juanita Crawford

Mi Familia y yo hemos sido influnciados por todo lo bueno que el BrotherRonald ha hecho durante tantos años por tanta gente necesitada, hombre debuen corazon y un gran caracter. Damos gracias a Dios por permitirnos estar en este camino juntos y compartir nuestras oraciones y enseñanzas. Gracias.
Brother Ronald por estar con nosotros brindandonos su amor espirutual y el camino a Dios nuestro Señor, con cariño siempre.

Fam. Clavijo

Translation: My family and I have been influenced by all the good that Brother Ronald has done for so many years for so many in need, a man of good heart and great character. We give thanks to God to allow us to be in this journey together and to share our orations/sermons and lessons/teachings. Thanks, Brother Ronald, for being with us, offering us your spiritual love and the path to God our Father.

The Clavijo Family Wilmington
(Translation by Belinda Cimo)

Being on this list is a humbling experience. I know or have had a business relation with 23 of “The 50.” I consider 10 of them lifelong friends, especially Coach Raymond, who discovered me in Pennsylvania in 1967, and brought me here as a Blue Hen. My friendships with Bill Roth, Libby (Fisher) York, Tom Carper, Dave Tiberi, Mike Castle, George Thorogood, Jack Varsalona, Harry Levin, Xavier Teixido and Gov. Peterson go back to the early ’70s. (Jack to the ’60s)

Herman M. Holloway Sr. did more for The Stone Balloon than anyone, as he listened and changed the way legislation was written, which allowed The Balloon to grow. And most of all, I thank The Hon. Murray M. Schwartz for changing my life in 1985 for the better.

Bill Stevenson


From Facebook…

Cute issue! So fun to see so many of my fab friends on the list.
Amber Shader

Seriously? This is the focus of our state’s magazine? I am not very proud to say I live in Delaware today.
Emerich Trickey

We’re from Bel Air, Md., however, my parents just built a Schell Home in Lewes so I frequent Delaware. Thank you for highlighting these wonderful women.
Heather Ziehl

Yeah, that’s not what 90 percent of housewives look like. Nice try, though. Don’t get me wrong, they are beautiful, but housewives don’t have two hours to do their hair and make-up, go tanning, shop and get their nails done. We’re home taking care of our kids and houses—you know, being housewives.
Erin Mary Carney

The focus of the magazine is about women who are upstanding, intelligent, thoughtful and loving. Don’t focus on the title. I know three of the women personally and trust me, they are hard-working women. I celebrate the fact that we are recognizing all of these women. There is nothing wrong with giving them the spotlight. Next time it could be me or you. I am very proud to say I live in Delaware!
Stacey Reeder 

Don’t hate. All housewives deserve the chance to feel and look fabulous. I’m glad they are representing all of us Delaware housewives!
Catherine Bellia Koenig

I think it’s great for Delaware Today to recognize each of us for the outstanding rolls we play in our lives. Each of us have different lives and do such a good job at it to be nominated. I may not get up and go to a job everyday, but my hardworking husband does to support six of us! I take pride in being a stay-at-home mom whose work is never done.
Lisa Embert

I thought it was a very nice gesture to feature this article with no one overturning tables or yelling at one another. Great job, Delaware Today!
Maria Glover-Morton

I think you named (the article) wrong. It should clearly be called the “Housewives of New Castle County.” It seems, based on your choices of those featured, that there are not any fabulous housewives below the canal.
As one of those housewives you missed, I resent that you made this article so biased with only people upstate. You need to: 1) Rerun the article showing women from all over the state, or 2) Offer an apology to all of the fabulous women that live in the other two counties you ignored.
So what are you going to do for the rest of us?
Rena McClain

Editor’s note: Please read the “From the Editor” column for our response.

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