Our roundup of top real estate producers includes professionals throughout the First State whose 2022 residential sales place them in approximately the top 5% of all agents.
We’ve made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the list, which is based on data supplied by Bright MLS and verified by the various agents and their offices. The list is presented in alphabetical order, with the agent’s primary office location and phone number included for easy reference.
Rakan Abu-Zahra
Wilmington; 245-7668
Mary Beth Adelman
RE/MAX Associates
Wilmington; 521-6209
Megan Aitken
Keller Williams Realty
The Megan Aitken Team
Middletown; 528-9124
Lauren Alberti
Ocean Atlantic Sotheby’s
International Realty
Rehoboth Beach; 227-6767
Tyler Anaya
Bryan Realty Group
Dover; 943-2274
Steven Anzulewicz
Keller Williams Realty
Wilmington; 379-3523
Douglas Appling
Sandcastle Realty Inc.
South Bethany; 539-0525
Christi Arndt
Long & Foster Real Estate Inc.
The Leslie Kopp Group
Bethany Beach; 539-9040
Deborah Baker
Hockessin; 239-3002
Donna Baldino
Keller Williams Realty
Wilmington; 528-7302
Jennifer Barrows
Ocean Atlantic Sotheby’s
International Realty
Barrows & Associates
Rehoboth Beach; 245-1730
Tjark Bateman
Jack Lingo Realty
Rehoboth Beach; 745-0018
Kate Bianchino
Greenville; 429-7344
Sandi Bisgood
Ocean Atlantic Sotheby’s
International Realty
Rehoboth Beach; 228-8625
William Bjorkland
Coldwell Banker Realty
Ocean View; 410-776-4146
Robert Blackhurst
The Blackhurst Group
Wilmington; 723-3770
Rose Bloom
Long & Foster Real Estate Inc.
Team Wilson
Wilmington; 690-3298
Jeff Bollinger
Berkshire Hathaway
Hockessin; 593-6668
Linda Bova
Sea Bova Associates Inc.
Rehoboth Beach; 227-1222
Jessica Bradley
Jack Lingo Realty
Bryce Lingo & Shaun Tull Team
Rehoboth Beach; 245-7927
Gary Brittingham
Jack Lingo Realty
Millsboro; 745-5605
Matt Brittingham
Rehoboth Beach; 344-9026
Ashley Brosnahan
Long & Foster Real Estate Inc.
The Ashley Brosnahan Team
Bethany Beach; 841-4200
Laird Bunch
Monument Sotheby’s
International Realty
Wilmington; 275-0869
Mia Burch
Long & Foster Real Estate Inc.
Wilmington; 598-4069
Ava Cannon
Jack Lingo Realty
Ava Cannon Team
Rehoboth Beach; 249-5620
Walt Cassel
Dave McCarthy & Associates Inc.
Rehoboth Beach; 426-2082
Peggy Centrella
Hockessin; 540-0689
Judy Chen
Berkshire Hathaway
Hockessin; 766-2373
Jemimah Chuks
Exp Realty LLC
The Jemimah Chuks Team
New Castle; 359-8337
Kelly Clark
Keller Williams Realty
Kelly Clark Team
Christiana; 757-6041
Stephanie Coho
Pointe Elite Group
Wilmington; 494-4422
Michele Colavecchi Lawless
RE/MAX Associates
Wilmington; 690-8307
Jamie Coleman
Rehoboth Beach; 344-7158
Iris Cong
Berkshire Hathaway
Hockessin; 999-9999
Nova Crespo
Pointe Elite Group
Wilmington; 484-326-2288
Stephen Crifasi
The Crifasi Group
Greenville; 576-6838
Wes Cromer
Masten Realty LLC
Milford; 422-1850
Bill Cullin
Long & Foster
Real Estate Inc.
Rehoboth Beach; 227-2541
Deniene Dailey
Sunrise Real Estate
Lewes; 503-5057
Adam D’Alessandro
Myers Realty
Dover; 570-616-7876
Mark D’Ambrogi
Crowley Associates Realty
Bethany Beach; 539-4013
Melissa Daniels
Keller Williams Integrity
Ellicott City, Maryland; 443-574-1930
Melody Davis
RE/MAX 1st Choice — Middletown
Middletown; 981-2521
Daniel Davis
RE/MAX Point Realty
Wilmington; 995-0862
Amanda Defilippis
Loft Realty
Dover; 753-5025
Daniel Dellegrotti
Long & Foster
Real Estate, Inc.
Lewes; 925-699-4783
Cindi Delzoppo
Northrop Realty
Bethany Beach; 443-250-6395
Gary Desch
Northrop Realty
Lewes; 443-722-0319
Kelly Diaz
Keller Williams Realty
Wilmington; 201-741-8110
Victoria Dickinson
Victoria Dickinson & Associates
Greenville; 463-4720
Vincente Dipietro
Dave McCarthy & Associates Inc.
Rehoboth Beach; 426-2085
Madeline Dobbs
More Brandywine Valley Homes
Wilmington; 489-9766
Michael Dominguez
Jack Lingo Realty
Lewes; 745-2207
Elizabeth Dorman
Coldwell Banker Premier
Rehoboth Beach; 381-2777
Neil Douen
Exp Realty LLC
Dover; 650-4482
Judith Dourgarian
Northrop Realty
Millsboro; 947-9100
Marcus Duphily
Hockessin; 234-5251
Kathleen Eddins
Hockessin; 893-4373
Valerie Ellenberger
Lewes; 401-4677
Meme Ellis
Keller Williams Realty
Rehoboth Beach; 240-302-2342
Phil Epstein
Long & Foster
Real Estate Inc.
The Levy Group
Wilmington; 598-3333
Skip Faust
Coldwell Banker Premier
Rehoboth Beach; 745-8764
Brian Ferreira
Berkshire Hathaway
Greenville; 609-707-5124
Matt Fish
Keller Williams Realty
Wilmington; 409-0084
Zachary Foust
Loft Realty
Loft Team DE
Dover; 491-4599
Carl Frampton
The Mottola Group
Lewes; 236-8526
Nancy Fleming
Wilmington; 740-5991
Sarah French
Long & Foster
Real Estate Inc.
Bethany Beach; 410-430-5421
Vincent Garman
The Garman Group
Wilmington; 507-0274
Katina Geralis
Exp Realty LLC
The Kat Geralis Team
Wilmington; 383-5412
Ann Marie Germano
Hockessin; 234-3608
Barry Godfrey
Home Finders Real Estate Company
Wilmington; 655-8091
Tammie Golden
Golden Coastal Realty
Lewes; 360-0226
Yuliana Goldin Dunn
Middletown; 283-9813
Nancy Good
RE/MAX Point Realty
Wilmington; 540-3190
Elizabeth Grace
The Parker Group
Georgetown; 443-350-1746
Bert Green
RE/MAX Associates
Wilmington; 477-3900, ext. 392
Julie Gritton
Coldwell Banker Premier
Lewes; 745-0255
Christina Haag
Jack Lingo Realty
Rehoboth Beach; 381-1059
Margaret Haass
Burns & Ellis Realtors
Dover; 382-9432
S. Brian Hadley
Hockessin; 234-6038
Yvonne Hall
Keller Williams Realty
Dover; 423-0223
Kimberly Hamer
Ocean Atlantic Sotheby’s
International Realty
Rehoboth Beach; 745-9914
Donna Hardy
Keller Williams Realty
Bethany Beach; 240-393-0756
Kiki Hargrove
Long & Foster Real Estate Inc.
The Leslie Kopp Group
Bethany Beach; 539-9040

Andrea Harrington
Andrea Harrington & Associates
Wilmington; 383-8360
Corey Harris
Crown Homes Real Estate
Hockessin; 530-3225
Patricia Hawryluk
Tri-County Realty
Dover; 562-0072
Dana Hess
Exp Realty LLC
Hess Home Group
Dover; 423-5551
Robert Hoesterey
Crown Homes Real Estate
Wilmington; 743-1063
Erik Hoferer
Long & Foster Real Estate Inc.
Hoferer & Associates
Newark; 405-6583
Kim Hook
RE/MAX Coastal
Bethany Beach; 462-5504
Joseph Hurley
Pantano Real Estate Inc.
Wilmingon; 740-5524
Jaime Hurlock
Long & Foster
Real Estate Inc.
The Delaware Group
Rehoboth Beach; 227-2541
Henry Jaffe
Ocean Atlantic Sotheby’s
International Realty
Rehoboth Beach; 296-6646
Lauren Janes
The Janes Team
Hockessin; 598-4400
Allen Jarmon
Nexthome Tomorrow Realty
Lewes; 745-5122
Mary Kate Johnston
RE/MAX Associates
Newark; 388-5654
Michael Kennedy
Move to DE Team
Lewes; 381-7001
Natalia Khingelova
Wilmington; 383-2808
John Kleinstuber
John Kleinstuber and Assoc Inc.
Fenwick Island; 539-4081
Leslie Kopp
Long & Foster Real Estate Inc.
The Leslie Kopp Group
Bethany Beach; 541-5207
Jeffrey Kralovec
Berkshire Hathaway
Wilmington; 267-858-0914
Amy Lacy
Greenville; 803-4663
David Landon
Newark; 292-6697
Anthony Lapinsky
Olson Realty
Dover; 399-0546
James Lattanzi
Northrop Realty
Millsboro; 396-1400
Victoria Lawson
Long & Foster
Real Estate Inc.
Wilmington; 743-2925
Erin Lee
Keller Williams Realty
Rehoboth Beach; 470-0281
Stephanie Lehane
RE/MAX Eagle Realty
Dover; 273-1994
Matthew Lenza
Keller Williams Realty
Wilmington; 610-213-8797
Marsela Leonard
Keller Williams Realty
Newark; 339-2375
Judith Levy
Long & Foster
Real Estate Inc.
The Levy Group
Wilmington; 351-5000
Adam Linder
Northrop Realty
Bethany Beach; 519-8894
Carrie Lingo
Jack Lingo Realty
Carrie Lingo Team
Lewes; 344-9188
Bryce Lingo
Jack Lingo Realty
The Bryce Lingo & Shaun
Tull Team
Rehoboth Beach; 226-6417
Mariah Little
Long & Foster
Real Estate, Inc.
Middletown; 607-1065
David Litz
Century 21 Emerald
Lewes; 382-4627
Matthew Lunden
Keller Williams Realty
Rehoboth Beach; 542-1302
Daniel Lusk
McWilliams/Ballard Inc.
Rehoboth Beach; 703-7003
Ashley Lyon
Keller Williams Realty
Dover; 632-7986
Wayne Lyons
Long & Foster
Real Estate Inc.
The Leslie Kopp Group
Bethany Beach; 858-7347
Suzanne Macnab
RE/MAX Coastal
Bethany Beach; 228-1251
Lauren Madaline
Long & Foster
Real Estate, Inc.
Madaline & Law
Wilmington; 351-5000
Sumeet Malik
The Blackhurst Group
Greenville; 743-0758
Paul Maltaghati
Ocean Atlantic Sotheby’s
International Realty
Rehoboth Beach; 430-3543
George Manolakos
Wilmington; 529-2690
Rosalia Martinez
Keller Williams Realty
Dover; 382-3484
Randy Mason
Jack Lingo Realty
Kalvinsky Mason Team
Rehoboth Beach; 236-1142
Lisa Mathena
The Lisa Mathena Group Inc.
Georgetown; 236-6232
Tyson Mayers
Keller Williams Realty
Rehoboth Beach; 542-3967
Cory Mayo
Ocean Atlantic Sotheby’s
International Realty
Rehoboth Beach; 466-5511
Christine McCoy
Coldwell Banker Realty
The Real McCoy Group
Ocean View; 339-5368
Michael McCullough
Long & Foster Real Estate Inc.
Wilmington; 351-5000
Shawn Mcdonnell
Jack Lingo Realty
Carrie Lingo Team
Lewes; 542-8591
Claryssa McEnany
Greenville; 690-1106
Michael McKee
Long & Foster
Real Estate Inc.
McKee Kubasko Group
Greenville; 877-302-7747
Terri Mestro
The Moving Experience
Delaware Inc.
Dover; 465-0453
Chad Mitchell
Wilmington; 463-3243
Myra Kay Mitchell
RE/MAX Horizons
Dover; 236-6846
Barbara Morales
Berkshire Hathaway
HomeServices PenFed Realty
Barbara Morales Associates
Rehoboth Beach; 841-0797
Buzz Moran
Long & Foster Real Estate Inc.
Moran & Murray
Wilmington; 740-6529
Stephen Morgan
Keller Williams Realty
Bethany Beach; 443-226-5297
Jason Morris
Exp Realty LLC
Dover; 373-1585
Kristine Mottola
The Mottola Group
Wilmington; 740-5846
Stephen Mottola
The Mottola Group
Wilmington; 351-2600
Andrew Mulrine
RE/MAX Associates
Hockessin; 547-7139
Brandon Murray
Long & Foster
Real Estate Inc.
Moran & Murray
Wilmington; 367-8074
Melissa Nalewaik
Keller Williams Realty
Bethany Beach; 258-7155
Kathy Newcomb
Coldwell Banker Premier
Rehoboth Beach; 543-4255
Chuks Nwaogbo
Myers Realty
Wilmington; 994-9600
Deborah Oberdorf
Nexthome Preferred
Felton; 531-6949
Kevin Odle
Long & Foster
Real Estate Inc.
Kevin & Linda Odle
Greenville; 593-8992
Dustin Oldfather
The Oldfather Group
Lewes; 249-5899
Mariya Oldfather
The Oldfather Group
Lewes; 249-5899
J. Martin Orlando
Bryan Realty Group
Dover; 222-6352
Cathy Ortner
Brian George & Cathy Ortner
Wilmington; 540-1425
Robin Palumbo Thompson
Northrop Realty
Lewes; 745-8541
Paul Pantano
Pantano Real Estate Inc.
Wilmington; 888-0300
Jonathan Park
Wilmington; 750-1166
Suzie Parker
Northrop Realty
Bethany Beach; 443-803-6590
Dustin Parker
The Parker Group
Georgetown; 217-6692
Janet Patrick
Team Patrick
Wilmington; 273-0072
Christopher Patterson
Greenville; 420-6306
Shane Pezick
RE/MAX Associates
Wilmington; 354-7121
Gail Phelan
Long & Foster Real Estate Inc.
The Leslie Kopp Group
Bethany Beach; 539-9040
Debbie Phipps
Keller Williams Realty
Newark; 737-6434
Amy Pietlock
Ocean Atlantic Sotheby’s
International Realty
Rehoboth Beach; 227-6767
Kathleen Pigliacampi
Greenville; 388-0833
Margaret Poisson
Century 21 Gold Key-Dover
Dover; 399-6835
Pamela Price
RE/MAX Advantage Realty
Laurel; 846-0200
Carol Quattrociocchi
Coldwell Banker Realty
Wilmington; 530-4260
Joshua Rash
Long & Foster
Real Estate Inc.
The Delaware Group
Rehoboth Beach; 519-4134
Ann Raskauskas
Bethany Area Realty LLC
Bethany Beach; 245-2154
Jack Redefer
Rehoboth Bay Realty Co.
Dewey Beach; 227-1232
Debbie Reed
RE/MAX Realty Group
The Debbie Reed Team
Rehoboth Beach; 227-3818
Thomas Riccio
RE/MAX Point Realty
Wilmington; 893-0271
Desiderio Rivera
Exp Realty LLC
Dover; 201-2189
Cassandra Rogerson
Rehoboth Beach; 757-2310
Kristen Rosaio
Crown Homes Real Estate
Wilmington; 295-9430, ext. 2
Maria Ruckle
Keller Williams Realty
The Ruckle Team
Newark; 299-3810
Melissa Rudy
Keller Williams Realty
Rehoboth Beach; 717-805-8937
Demarcus Rush
Rush Home
Smyrna; 257-3883
Anthony Sacco
RE/MAX Associates
Team Sacco Lewes; 703-7141
Shalini Sawhney
Burns & Ellis Realtors
Dover; 331-8569
Kathleen Schell
Ocean Atlantic Sotheby’s
International Realty
Rehoboth Beach; 841-0549
Sarah Schifano
Long & Foster Real Estate Inc.
Bethany Beach; 858-3945
Toni Schrock
Northrop Realty
The Schrockstars Team
Millsboro; 841-9296
Jay Shinn
RE/MAX Point Realty
Wilmington; 530-0146
Ivy-Lyn Sia
Welcome Home
Realty Dover; 724-4310
Paul Sicari
Buy at the Beach Group
Lewes; 864-2282
William Sladek
Home Finders Real Estate Company
Wilmington; 494-8100
John Sloniewski
The Mottola Group
Greenville; 743-4942
Ilana Smith
Bryan Realty Group
Dover; 249-7991
Jennifer A. Smith
Keller Williams Realty
Bethany Beach; 410-320-6735
Shelby Smith
Long & Foster Real Estate Inc.
Bethany Beach; 856-236-0469
Shannon Smith
Northrop Realty
Bethany Beach; 344-0500
Nitan Soni
Northrop Realty
Lewes; 747-3333
David Sordelet
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices
Newark; 635-1044
Melissa Squier
Keller Williams Realty
Dover; 841-1733
Jeffrey Stape
Stape & Associates
Greenville; 275-5600
Andrew Staton
Keller Williams Realty
Rehoboth Beach; 841-2127
Daniel Stein
Coldwell Banker Realty
Wilmington; 559-0508
Jennifer Stein
Homelister Inc.
San Juan Capistrano, California; 855-400-8566
Allison Stine
Northrop Realty
The Allison Stine Team
Bethany Beach; 381-5565
Russell Stucki
RE/MAX Realty Group
Rehoboth Beach; 228-7871
Daniel Taglienti
Keller Williams Realty
Selbyville; 410-430-2721
Michael Terranova
Keller Williams Realty
Wilmington; 299-6621
Christine Tingle
Keller Williams Realty
Bethany Beach; 377-4159
Paul Townsend
Jack Lingo Realty
Townsend Team
Lewes; 236-3212
Shaun Tull
Jack Lingo Realty
Bryce Lingo & Shaun Tull Team
Rehoboth Beach; 236-9758
Sandra Unkrur
The Moving Experience Delaware Inc.
Dover; 480-3966
Kenneth Van Every
Keller Williams Realty
Wilmington; 319-3196
Toni Vandegrift
Exp Realty LLC
Wilmington; 463-8177
Scott Wagner
Keller Williams Realty
Rehoboth Beach; 727-1981
Laura Walker
Walker Realty Group LLC
Newark; 273-2230
Michael Walton, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices
The Mike Walton Team
Hockessin; 293-7109
Robert Watlington
Middletown; 753-8124
Lucius Webb
Jack Lingo Realty
Rehoboth Beach; 227-3883
Jenn Whayland
Whayland Group
Greenville; 222-2239
Andrew White
The Motola Group
Wilmington; 893-7602
Marsha White
Crowley Associates Realty
Bethany Beach; 245-7418
Andy Whitescarver
RE/MAX Realty Group
Rehoboth Beach; 242-5557
Carol Wick
Bryan Realty Group
Dover; 760-3001
Cathleen Wilder
Long & Foster Real Estate Inc.
Greenville; 351-5000
Lee Ann Wilkinson
Berkshire Hathaway
HomeServices PenFed Realty
The Lee Ann Wilkinson Group
Lewes; 645-6664
Bayard Williams
House of Real Estate
Wilmington; 743-0860
Dawn Wilson
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices
The Dawn Wilson Team
Hockessin; 784-5616
Michael Wilson
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices
Victoria Dickinson & Associates
Greenville; 521-5307
Colleen Windrow
Keller Williams Realty
The Windrow Group
Bethany Beach; 443-497-4917
Larry Wirick
Century 21 Gold
Dover; 242-1408
Ping Xu
Wilmington; 743-3604
Vickie York
Vickie York at the Beach Realty
Millville; 542-4457
Brett Youngerman
Long & Foster Real Estate Inc.
Greenville; 351-5000
John Zacharias
Ocean View; 381-6221
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