As an artist who loves technology, Jean Dahlgren wants to see more women in tech-related jobs. “DCAD just began a partnership which allows our students to learn valuable tech skills, such as how to use computer-guided lathes, laser cutters and 3D printers,” she says.”Women with these skills can work in a variety of related fields, including engineering, prototyping design and industrial design. It’s an extremely interesting field with endless possibilities for creative employment.”
Her heroes are innovators in this field: Lynda Weinman, a pioneer in teaching technology who founded, and April Greiman, an artist/designer/innovator who was one of the first designers who used technology in her work. “I love people who embrace new technologies and reconsider what we can do with them,” says Dahlgren. The new chief ambassador for DCAD starts her day with coffee, rewards herself with no-cooking Fridays, makes a pretty great jar of jam and finds success in the success of her students.