The Music School of Delaware has announced a new partnership with Brandywine Brass, a Delaware-based professional ensemble dedicated to the performance of music featuring brass instruments and music celebrating the Great American Songbook (music from circa 1920–1945). Music School Dean Cheri Astolfi is enthusiastic about the new energy the ensemble will bring. “Brandywine Brass brings fabulous artistry to the school that complements the work of our exceptional brass faculty,” she said. “The Music School’s trumpet faculty member, Malcolm McDuffee, is a member of this ensemble and enjoys this dual role.”
Says Music School president and CEO Kate M. Ransom, “The Music School partners with scores of schools, arts organizations, performing artists and ensembles, and businesses. Our ‘performing arts partners’ utilize rehearsal space at the school, present performances in our Concert Hall, and provide coaching or mentoring where appropriate. We proudly support and facilitate their work and the music experiences they share with the community. Working together enriches the benefits for all.”
The new partnership includes three concerts from Brandywine Brass in the acoustically superior setting of the Music School’s Wilmington Concert Hall: “A Taste of Britain” on Oct. 20, “Music of the Renaissance and the Baroque on Feb. 2” and “The Great American Songbook” on April 27. All tickets for Brandywine Brass concerts may be purchased from “Our ensemble is elated to be collaborating with one of Delaware’s finest arts education institutions, and we look forward to a productive partnership,” says artistic director John Bland of Brandywine Brass.