First State Ballet Theatre, Delaware’s only professional ballet company and the only ballet company that performs on a regular basis throughout the state, presents “Swan Lake,” at The Grand March 26-27.
The production marks the Delaware premiere of the famed Tchaikovsky tale. Like most ballets, there are no spoken words. But in this case, the music was actually composed before dancers were added to it. “Swan Lake” was originally presented in four acts, and sometimes still is. First State’s production, for example, is done in four acts. The staging is by artistic director Pasha Kambalov, and the lavishly appointed costumes are from Russia. The production is certainly family friendly.
“Swan Lake” tells the story of the beautiful princess Odette, who, due to an evil curse, is turned into a swan.
The interesting aspect of this show is that it almost always contains a different ending, depending on who is producing it. Some companies choose romantic conclusions. Others opt for tragedy. FSTB producers aren’t revealing the ending.
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Save the date: First State Ballet Theatre will celebrate its 10th anniversary with a Gala performance at The Grand on May 22. The theme is “Beauty, Drama, Passion-The First 10 Years.” The three-act performance will reprise highlights from FSBT’s first 10 years. Expect to see selections from major classical ballets and contemporary pieces created for the company by internationally celebrated choreographers.
More dance:
Mid-Atlantic Ballet could not have predicted that its production of “Alice in Wonderland” would coincide with the Tim Burton film version. The timing is good, but the stories are different. While the film strays from the original Lewis Carroll story, the ballet’s version remains faithful—and worth seeing—even if it’s sans Johnny Depp.
The show runs March 26-27 at UD’s Mitchell Hall in Newark.
For more, call 266-6362
DSO CD Released This Week!
The Delaware Symphony Orchestra’s first album, titled “Interchange: Concertos by Rodrigo and Assad,” comes out today. The DSO recorded the work with the Los Angeles Guitar Quartet live at The Grand. This is the first album, by the way, ever recorded on The Grand’s stage.