Your Time

The Music School of Delaware’s black history tribute. Plus, the Delaware Children’s Theatre presents “Pippi,” and Ecarte’s dancers hit DSU.

Musicians taking part in the January 14 performance will include: (seated, from left) cellist Rachel Rice, pianist Clarence Faulcon, soprano Jacqueline Beach Faulcon, cellist Alex Tam, (standing, from left) Marybeth Miller, Aaron MoDavis and Christopher Braddock. Photograph by Jared CastaldiThey Have a Dream

The Music School of Delaware hosts more than 75 events a year, but one of its most riveting is “Cultural Crossroads: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. & Black History Tribute,” to be held at the Wilmington branch January 14. The evening pays homage to Dr. King through works by African-American composers and musicians. Soprano Jacqueline Beach Faulcon and pianist Clarence Faulcon, as well as the school’s cello choir and Christina Cultural Arts Center artists, will lead an offering that illustrates diversity and unity. “It is a musical tribute and celebration of the great message of cooperation and equality for all that Dr. King championed,” says Music School president and CEO Kate Ransom. Also stirring is the recitation of Robert F. Kennedy’s 1968 impromptu speech in Indianapolis, where he stood on a flatbed truck to tell an African-American crowd that Dr. King had been assassinated. Kennedy, who in his speech urged Americans to show love, wisdom, and compassion toward one another, was himself assassinated two months later. For more, visit, or call 762-1132. —Maria Hess

Page 2: Kid Gone Wild

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Kid Gone Wild

What kid wouldn’t love an escape from parental control? One classic character, Pippi Longstocking, lived the dream. The musical version of Astrid Lindgren’s “Pippi Longstocking,” presented at the Delaware Children’s Theatre beginning January 9, is the high-spirited incarnation of every kid’s fantasy. Pippi wears weird clothes, has a horse and a pet monkey, possesses supernatural powers and throws around lots of cash. Come to think of it, the show can be a diversion for kids of all ages. For more, visit, or call 655-1014.

Page 3: Classical at Coastal


The Harlem QuartetClassical at Coastal

It’s one thing to get new audiences to listen to classical music. It’s another to get them to love it. The Harlem Quartet has earned accolades for its musical skill, as well as for advancing diversity in classical music while engaging young and new audiences in works by minority composers. Coastal Concerts presents the quartet at Bethel United Methodist Church Hall in Lewes January 29. For more, visit, or call (888) 212-6458.

Page 4: Dance From the Heart

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Photograph by Young’s studio of photographyDance From the Heart

Ecarte Dance Theatre will present an original work at Delaware State University’s Education and Humanities Theatre January 15. “We break our performances into several components, premiering five new pieces of choreography,” says artistic director Judith Engelgau. Ecarte means “stretched apart from the center.” For Engelgau, the phrase represents heartfelt and eclectic offerings interpreted by diverse dancers. “We offer communicative as opposed to just presentational work,” Engelgau says. “You never know what you’re going to see.” For more, call 674-4689. 

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