April family events for Delaware: arts and entertainment

editor’s pick Easter Bunny Express
April 1, 6-7 Hop aboard and meet a furry friend who’s bound to have some yummy treats. Wilmington & Western Railroad, Newport-Gap Pike and Kirkwood Hwy., Wilmington, 998-1930, wwrr.com

First Friday: Duct Tape Crafts
April 6 Learn about the invention and history of duct tape, then test your stick-to-it-iveness while designing and constructing items out of it. Biggs Museum of American Art, 406 Federal St., Dover, 674-2111, biggsmuseum.org

Easter Egg Hunt
April 7 To the hunt! Auburn Heights starts its season with this event from noon to 3 p.m. Auburn Heights Preserve, 3000 Creek Road, Yorklyn, 239-2385, auburnheights.org

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Breakfast with the Easter Bunny
April 7 Enjoy scrambled eggs on your plate, then search for Easter eggs on the lawn during a morning with your favorite rabbit at Longwood. Longwood Gardens, U.S. 1, Kennett Square, Pa., (610) 388-1000, longwoodgardens.org

Family Fun: Go Green!
April 14 Get green, organic and eco-friendly with your kids ages 4 to 10 at The Delaware Center for Horticulture, and decorate a special recycling box to take home. The Delaware Center for Horticulture, 1810 N. Dupont St., Wilmington, 658-6262, thedch.org

April 15-May 6 Fairy godmothers rule and Cinderella triumphs once again when the Delaware Children’s Theatre offers a musical version of this classic tale. Delaware Children’s Theatre, 1014 Delaware Ave., Wilmington, 655-1014, dechildrenstheatre.org

Party for the Planet
April 21 Celebrate Earth Day and the Year of the Bat with live entertainment, games, stories, crafts and live animal presentations. Brandywine Zoo, 1001 N. Park Drive, Wilmington, 571-7747, brandywinezoo.org

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Family Concert: Musical Jungle Adventures
April 21-22 The Music School of Delaware features jungle-themed works during shows in Wilmington and Milford. Music School of Delaware, 4101 Washington St., Wilmington, 762-1132, wilmingtonmusic.org

Free Family Concert
April 22 This Newark Symphony Orchestra event also includes an instrument petting zoo and other fun for families with kids ages 5 and up. The Independence School, 1300 Paper Mill Road, Newark, 369-3466, newarksymphony.org

It’s Not Mean to be Green
April 26 Keep Earth Day fresh by checking out this musical from the book by local author Jamie Kleman. DuPont Theatre, 1007 N. Market St., Wilmington, 656-4401, duponttheatre.com

editor’s pick Holst: The Planets
April 27-28 Take a journey through space with conductor David Amado and the Wilmington Children’s Chorus during this Delaware Symphony Orchestra Family Pops performance. The Grand Opera House, 818 N. Market St., Wilmington, 652-5577, delawaresymphony.org

April 28 Spring has definitely sprung at Hagley, as evidenced by this new, all-day event featuring hands-on activities for children, and informative and educational opportunities for children and adults. Hagley Museum and Library, Del. 141, Wilmington, 658-2400, hagley.org

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Elizabeth Mitchell
April 28 “Kindie” (kid indie) rocker Elizabeth Mitchell engages families in a hootenanny at The Grand. The Grand Opera House, 818 N. Market St., Wilmington, 652-5577, thegrandwilmington.org

editor’s pick The Cat’s Pajamas
April 28 Billed as “high-octane kid-rock with a musical comedy twist,” this band might just be all that, man. World Cafe Live at The Queen, 500 N. Market St., Wilmington, 994-1400,

Flower & Arts Festival
April 28. Learn about new plants for spring, view local artwork, and enjoy model trains, face painting and a live broadcast from WGMD. East Coast Garden Center, 30366 Cordrey Road, Millsboro, 945-3489, eastcoastgardencenter.com

April 28-29 Clear Space students—a crop of 15 fresh faces—take the stage for a full-length production of scenes, songs and monologues for the whole family. Clear Space Theatre Company, 20 Baltimore Ave., Rehoboth Beach, 227-2270, clearspacetheatrecompany.org

Snow White
April 28-29 The Children’s Theatre of Dover presents a familiar tale by the Brothers Grimm. Schwartz Center for the Arts, 226 S. State St., Dover, 678-5152, schwartzcenter.com


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