Targets: Excess fat that’s often hard to lose with dieting or exercise
Procedure: An oldie but goodie, the procedure involves inserting a narrow tube, which is attached to a vacuum, into the fat layers deep beneath the skin via a tiny incision. Danyo also offers SmartLipo, a laser body sculpting procedure performed under local anesthesia. The small tube has a laser that converts fat to oil. It also tightens tissues.
Time: Certain areas can be tackled in under an hour, including back rolls, saddlebags, a small tummy or the chin. “It depends on how much you’re doing and how big the area is,” says Dr. Jonathan Saunders, a cosmetic surgeon in Newark. Combine areas, and it will take longer. That may also be the case if you want general anesthesia. “For some people, just the pressure is uncomfortable,” Balakhani says.
Recovery: You may need to wear a snug elastic garment to control swelling, and you could experience some pain, burning, bleeding and temporary numbness.
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