Under David Roselle’s leadership, the University of Delaware was transformed from a good quality regional institution into one of the nation’s finest public universities. Most members of the UD community could recite the cornerstones of his strategy: competitive compensation to attract and retain the most capable faculty and staff, increased scholarships and financial aid to enhance student access and affordability, a student-centered campus that provided customer friendly services, and a state-of-the-art living and learning environment. By the end of his tenure, the transformation had been dramatic. The faculty was larger and more accomplished. UD students were succeeding at higher levels on all indicators. Academic programs were ranked among the best in the nation, and UD earned special recognition for undergraduate research, study abroad, problem-based learning, and instructional technology. Graduate enrollment increased by 70 percent and externally funded research rose to $160 million annually. The entire UD campus was improved, including laboratories, classrooms and residence halls. For Delaware, the most important transformation is that the university is now serving more Delawareans with a broader array of high quality educational, research, and public service programs than ever before.