Go Red for Women
Feb. 3 Take part in the Southern Delaware Go Red for Women Luncheon & Fashion Show at the Sheraton Dover Hotel, sponsored by the American Heart Association. 286-5705, goredforwomen.org
NCT Gala
Feb. 11 This formal affair at the New Candlelight Theatre in Ardentown stars puppet “Madame” and offers a Mardi Gras buffet, live performances, auctions, dancing and a few surprises. 475-2313, nctstage.org
Victorian Costume Ball
Feb. 25 Get gussied up for this second annual event at Rockwood Museum’s Carriage House and support efforts to restore the museum’s conservatory. 762-2075, friendsofrockwood.org
Southern Lights of Life
Feb. 25 An “Evening of Living and Giving” at Dover Downs Hotel & Casino raises funds for programs of the Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition in Kent and Sussex counties. (888) 672-9647, debreastcancer.org
Red Ribbon Runway
Feb. 25 This fashion show, cocktail party and silent auction at Barclays Bank in Wilmington supports AIDS Delaware. 652-6776, mfitzgerald@aidsdelaware.org,
St. Michael’s School Benefit
Feb. 29 Celebrate leap year with cocktails, a light supper and an auction at the University & Whist Club, to benefit the Scholarship Fund for St. Michael’s in Wilmington. 656-3389, stmichaelsde.org