Photo by Tisa Della-Volpe
Entertainment in Delaware: The First State Ballet Theatre’s “Giselle”
Air Mobility Command Museum
1301 Heritage Road, Dover Air Force Base, Dover, 677-5938, www.amcmuseum.org
Offers a collection of planes and exhibits on military life, including the only C-5 on public display in the world.
Barratt’s Chapel and Museum
6362 Bay Road, Frederica, 335-5544, www.barrattschapel.org
The oldest church in the United States built by and for Methodists.
Biggs Museum of American Art
406 Federal St., Dover, 674-2111, www.biggsmuseum.org
Features fine art and decorative works by American artists.
Delaware Agricultural Museum & Village
866 N. Dupont Hwy., Dover, 734-1618, www.agriculturalmuseum.org
Exhibits and farm buildings from across Delmarva.
Delaware Public Archives
121 Duke of York St., Dover, 744-5000, www.archives.delaware.gov
Historic and archival material, including photographs, posters, maps, audio tapes and census records, tells the story of Delaware.
Delaware State Police Museum
1425 N. Dupont Hwy., Dover, 739-7700, www.delawaretrooper.com/museum
Explore the history of the state police.
Dover Art League
21 W. Loockerman St., Dover, 674-0402, www.doverartleague.net
The league displays works by local artists and offers classes.
First State Heritage Park Welcome Center and Galleries
121 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Dover, 744-5055, www.history.delaware.gov/museums
Information on museums and historical sites statewide.
First State Heritage Park
102 S. State St., Dover, 739-9194, www.destateparks.com
Links historic and cultural sites in Dover, including Legislative Hall.
Greater Harrington Historical Society Museum
110 Fleming St., Harrington, 398-3698
The exhibits tell stories about harness racing, the local fire company and military veterans.
John Dickinson Plantation
340 Kitts Hummock Road, Dover, 739-3277, www.history.delaware.gov/museums
Visit the 18th-century plantation of a founding father.
Johnson Victrola Museum
Bank Lane and New Street, Dover, 744-5055, www.history.delaware.gov/museums
Pays homage to the founder of the Victor Talking Machine Co. through phonographs, recordings and memorabilia.
Milford Museum
121 S. Walnut St., Milford, 424-1080, www.milforddemuseum.org
Tells Milford’s story from its beginnings on the Mispillion River.
Old State House
25 The Green, Dover, 744-5055, www.history.delaware.gov/museums
Tour the state’s original capitol building.
Smyrna Museum
11 S. Main St., Smyrna, 653-1320, www.smyrnamuseum.com
Displays artifacts of local history and culture.
Star Hill Museum
357 Voshell Mill, Star Hill Road, Dover, 697-9903
Educates the public about the hardships of life as a slave
151 Kings Hwy., Dover, 739-5656, www.woodburn.delaware.gov
The home of the governor.
Dance Conservatory and Ballet Theatre of Dover
522 Otis Drive, Dover, 734-9717, www.dancebtd.com
The troupe offers new works and premieres several times a year.
First State Dance Academy
107 Maple Ave., Milford, 422-2633, www.firststatedance.com
This group performs at area venues and is also home to the Delaware Dance Alliance.
Delaware Choral Society
P.O. Box 336, Dover, 883-2182, www.delawarechoralsociety.org
This community choir presents two annual concerts of choral music. In addition, sponsors the newly formed Delaware Youth Chorale.
Dover Downs Hotel & Casino
1131 N. Dupont Hwy., Dover, (800) 711-5882, www.doverdowns.com
The Rollins Center brings big-name entertainers to Dover.
Dover Symphony Orchestra
P.O. Box 163, Dover, 270-1903, www.doversymphony.org
The symphony performs four classical and pops concerts a year.
The Music School of Delaware
10 S. Walnut St., Milford, 422-2043, www.musicschoolofdelaware.org
Only nationally accredited statewide community music school offering classical, jazz, folk, rock and early childhood instruction. In addition to student recitals, it presents a Music Masters series featuring faculty and heralded guest artists.
Schwartz Center for the Arts
226 S. State St., Dover, 678-3583, www.schwartzcenter.com
Hosts local, national and international acts that offer music, dance, drama and children’s theater.
Smyrna Opera House
7 W. South St., Smyrna, 653-4236, www.smyrnaoperahouse.org
Offers shows of every kind at affordable prices in a historic building.
The Children’s Theatre Inc.
P.O. Box 823, Dover, 336-8044, www.thechildrenstheatre.org
This local theater group performs at various venues, including the Schwartz Center for the Arts.
Kent County Theatre Guild
Patchwork Playhouse, 140 E. Roosevelt Ave., Dover, 674-3568, www.kctg.org
The community group performs at Patchwork Playhouse.
Second Street Players
2 S. Walnut St., Milford, 422-0220, www.secondstreetplayers.com
The players perform at Riverfront Theater.