Via WikiMedia//Maryland GovPics
Don’t miss the Ministry of Caring’s inaugural Crab Fest, held Saturday, Sept. 10, at Cavaliers Country Club in Newark. In addition to fresh crabs, there will be plenty of other seasonal fare and refreshments.
Proceeds from the event will benefit the Ministry of Caring’s three childcare centers. The event is sponsored by the Ministry of Caring Guild, a membership organization comprised of hundreds of volunteers who dedicate themselves to fundraising and volunteerism to help the Ministry of Caring serve the needs of the poor.
Regular admission tickets are $50 and include all-you-can-eat crabs, soft drinks and beer. VIP admission tickets are $75 and also include mixed drinks. Tickets can be purchased online at moccrabfest.brownpapertickets.com.
More information:
Ministry of Caring Crab Fest
Saturday, Sept. 10 from 2–8 p.m.
Cavaliers Country Club, 100 Addison Drive, Newark
Tickets: moccrabfest.brownpapertickets.com