October 2005 Table of Contents



Top Docs
By staying on top of the latest procedures, technologies and medications, the nine profiled here show why they are among the best. Plus a list of 200 professionals who practice on the leading edge.

Your Easiest Thanksgiving Ever
Whether you’re hosting two or 20, preparing dinner doesn’t have to be a big production. Here’s a way to do it simply.
by Pam George

Undone at Ellerslie

In the ’20s, F. Scott Fitzgerald moved to Wilmington as a last attempt at sobriety and sanity. It was the beginning of the end.
by Stephanie Merchant

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Beauty Secrets
Local style setters share their tips for creating a beautiful you.
by Sally Rinard


edited by Ben Brooks

A transplanted author looks homeward for inspiration.
by Matt Amis

Spying superstar Mathew McConaughey, making music
for tsunami victims and more.

Redeveloping Claymont means reclaiming its past.
by Matt Amis

- Partner Content -

Let’s make a deal with Dealcather.com.
by Noel Dietrich


At Home
Good living in the country outside Milford.
by Eileen Smith Dallabrida

Market Watch
by Matt Amis

Living History
New Castle’s Van Dyke House.
by Stephanie Merchant

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In Store
Shopping to cure breast cancer.
edited by Louise Bolin

edited by staff

Star Stuck
Living nostalgia at Felton’s Diamond State Drive-In.
by Ed Okonowicz

African American art, Lights of Life, Preservation Jazz and more.
by Megan M.F. Everhart

Blues at the Beach, Promise Ball, Wow awards and more,
plus the incorrigible Gabby.

Man About Town visits the Christina Riverfront.

Eat & Drink
Maynard’s Piano Bar serves American classics with a
twist – not to mention music.
by Pam George

Restaurant Listings


In Every Issue

From the Editor


Your Turn

Final Word


In Our Next Issue:

: A complete list of the best doctors in Delaware,
as voted by their patients and their peers.

Luxury Living: Find out how women who always look fantastic
get that way. Plus, the latest salon and spa news and more.

Annual Home Design

Contest Winners


Our Best of Delaware Readers' Ballot is open through January 8!

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