October galas and benefits calendar for Delaware: arts and entertainment

Harry’s Hospitality Scholarship Golf Outing
Oct. 1 Support students in culinary programs at both UD and area high schools during this tourney at Brandywine Country Club. harrys-savoy.com

Jean & Joan Golf Tournament
Oct. 2 This tournament at Kings Creek Country Club in Rehoboth benefits the Tunnell Cancer Center at Beebe Hospital. beebemedicalfoundation.orgdation.org

Women Against MS Cocktail Reception
Oct. 3 The Delaware Chapter of the National MS Society hosts local speakers and honorary chair Annie Coons at this event at UD’s Goodstay Center in Wilmington. msdelaware.org

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Boardwalk Buddy Walk & Buddy Fest
Oct. 5-6 Walk the boards in Rehoboth Saturday, and enjoy festivities Friday night and Saturday to benefit the National Down Syndrome Society. boardwalkbuddywalk.com

Main Street Mile
Oct. 6 Run a one-mile stretch from the Newark Library to The Deer Park Tavern to benefit the Newark Police K9 program and the Downtown Newark Partnership. mainstmile.com

Where’s the Art?
Oct. 6 The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Newark hosts this auction and dinner to benefit the Newark Arts Alliance. 266-7266, newarkartsalliance.org

Witney’s Lights Walk/Run
Oct. 6 Help raise awareness to end domestic violence during this 4th annual event at Silver Lake Park in Dover. witneyslights.com

Dewey Does Pink
Oct. 6 Enjoy a run through Dewey Beach and an after-party when The Starboard hosts its 2nd annual 5K for the Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition. debreastcancer.org

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Bark on the Boards Dog Walk
Oct. 6 Stroll the Rehoboth boardwalk to raise money for the Sussex County SPCA and enjoy canine contests, kids’ activities and vendors. delspca.org

Walk for the Animals
Oct. 7 The Delaware Humane Association and friends head to Rockford Park this year for “Tails Around the Tower.” 571-8171, dehumane.org

Light the Night Walks
Oct. 7, 13 Join other walkers at the Atlantic Sands Hotels in Rehoboth on Oct. 7, or at Frawley Stadium in Wilmington on Oct. 13, to benefit the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. lightthenight.org

Latin American Community Center Grand Ball
Oct. 12 The Waterfall Banquet and Conference Center in Claymont hosts “La Noche del Sol.” 655-7338, thelatincenter.org

Blue Jean Ball
Oct. 13 Food, drink, live entertainment and a silent auction are in store when the Food Bank of Delaware’s warehouse becomes a speakeasy from the Roaring ’20s. 444-8074, fbdbluejeanball.org

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Northern Lights of Life
Oct. 13 The Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition’s annual fundraiser/fashion show brightens up the Conservatory at Longwood Gardens. debreastcancer.org

The Water’s Edge
Oct. 18 Harvard’s Dr. John Briscoe is the honored guest at Stroud Water Research Center’s fundraising gala at Longwood Gardens. (610) 268-2153, stroudcenter.org

Plein Air Brandywine Valley Opening Gala
Oct. 19 This painting and photography competition culminates in a reception, show and sale to benefit Children’s Beach House. (Location TBA) pleinairbrandywinevalley.org

All Hallows’ Eve Costume Ball
Oct. 20 “How AproPOE!” that the Young Friends of the Brandywine Conservancy draw on the Brandywine River Museum’s current exhibit for their annual gala. (610) 388-2700, www.brandywinemuseum.org

Wilmington Alzheimer’s Walk
Oct. 20 The Alzheimer’s Association’s walk begins at Tubman-Garrett Riverfront Park. Club Phred provides the music. (800) 272-3900, alz.org/walk

Wag-n-Walk & 5K Run
Oct. 20 Join Paws for People at Glasgow Park for a family- and dog-friendly event. 351-5622, pawsforpeople.org

Southern Delaware Heart Walks
Oct. 20, 27 Benefit the American Heart Association at Delaware Technical Community College in Georgetown on Oct. 20 and in Dover on Oct. 27. 286-5702, heart.org/southerndewalk

Walk to Cure Diabetes
Oct. 20, 28 Join the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation at Dover International Speedway on Oct. 20, or at Wilmington’s Rockford Park on Oct. 28. jdrf.org

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer
Oct. 21 Tubman-Garrett Riverfront Park is the step-off point for this year’s Wilmington walk. 669-6324, strideswilmington.org

Purple Ribbon Event
Oct. 25 This fundraising/public awareness event at the Delaware Center for the Contemporary Arts takes place during National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. dcadv.org

DFRC Holidazzle – Love & Lyrics
Oct. 27 Maestro David Amado hosts Joyful Noise, UD’s DelTones, the Wilmington Children’s Chorus and others at The Grand in support of the DFRC. 454-2730, dfrcfoundation.org

(Save the date) Requiem for 9/11
Nov. 25 Delaware composer Wilson Gault Somers’ musical tribute premieres at The Grand Opera House and benefits the Friends of Flight 93 and the Flight 93 National Memorial. requiem911.com, thegrandwilmington.org


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