A private coeducational college preparatory high school of the Diocese of Wilmington (saintmore.org)
An unprecedented example of collaboration between a bishop and his flock, St. Thomas More opened 15 years ago, thanks to more than a decade of work by a dedicated core of parishioners, a gift of land, private donations and the Diocese of Wilmington, after Kent County’s only Catholic high school closed in the 1980s, according to the school’s Web site.
The school’s motto, Fides Quaerens Intellectum, (faith seeking understanding), inspires the college preparatory and faith curriculum, which includes weekly mass, retreats, reconciliation services and campus ministry.
This summer, students can take a three-city tour of Italy to expand their horizons.
Extracurricular activities include astronomy club, Liturgical band, Pop-Culture group, Rave TV Production, A La Mode Fashion Magazine and ski club.
Graduates attend top colleges and universities like Brown, Carnegie Mellon, Case Western Reserve, Catholic, Columbia, Cornell, George Washington, Georgetown, Georgia Tech, Johns Hopkins, Swarthmore, and University of Pennsylvania.
Did you know: St. Thomas More’s Web site keeps an updated list of service opportunities.