This award is presented annually to the ABC contractor member who exemplifies the true meaning of the Merit Shop philosophy and has contributed most to the success of the association. This year’s winner is Joe Moretto of Pearce & Moretto.
Joe is a strong supporter of ABC. Joe has always supported ABC’s efforts to protect free enterprise and open competition in Delaware. Joe served on the ABC Delaware Board of Directors for six years and as ABC Delaware Chair in 2013. He was also a member of the ABC National Board of Directors from 2012-2014.
Joe, his company and family have shown a great passion for community service. They were instrumental in building a playground for disabled kids for the Exceptional Care for Children charity. They have volunteered for all ABCares events including Girls, Inc., bell ringing for the Salvation Army, Kind to Kids toy drive and many others. Their commitment to community service is unrivaled by any member in ABC Delaware.
Joe is also a member of the ABC Legislative/Legal Rights Committee. He has been a strong supporter and contributor of both our local political action committee and national political action committee, which helps elect pro-merit shop legislators. Joe is an individual who truly embodies the spirit of ABC and is well deserving of this award