Photo by Bob Hickock
​Point-to-Point at Winterthur
Art Centers and Museums
Carspecken-Scott Gallery
1707 N. Lincoln St. | Wilmington | 655-7173 | www.carspeckenscott.com
Exhibits works by contemporary Mid-Atlantic artists.
Center for the Creative Arts
410 Upper Snuff Mill Row | Yorklyn | 239-2434 | www.ccarts.org
This community arts center is devoted to art enrichment.
Christina Cultural Arts Center
705 N. Market St. | Wilmington | 652-0101 | www.ccacde.org
A community school of music, dance, visual arts and wellness in the heart of downtown Wilmington.
Delaware College of Art and Design
600 N. Market St. | Wilmington | 622-8000 | www.dcad.edu
DCAD mounts curated exhibits in its Toni & Stuart B. Young Gallery and offers a variety of continuing education classes.
Delaware Art Museum
2301 Kentmere Pkwy. | Wilmington | 571-9590 | www.delart.org
In addition to its famous Pre-Raphaelite collection, the museum houses works by N.C. Wyeth, Frank Schoonover, Howard Pyle and Edward Hopper, as well as the outdoor Copeland Sculpture Garden.
Delaware Center for the Contemporary Arts
200 S. Madison St. | Wilmington | 656-6466 | www.thedcca.org
Seven galleries and several artist studios bring a variety of contemporary art through 30 annual exhibitions.
Delaware Children’s Museum
550 Justison St. | Wilmington | 654-2340 | www.delawarechildrensmuseum.org
The museum builds imaginative minds through play and informal math-, science- and technology-based learning.
Delaware Division of the Arts Mezzanine Gallery
820 N. French St. | Wilmington | 577-8278 | www.artsdel.org
This state-run gallery exhibits local artists at the mezzanine level of the Carvel State Office Building.
Delaware Museum of Natural History
4840 Kennett Pike | Wilmington | 658-9111 | www.delmnh.org
Dinosaurs, birds and other interesting natural resources share space with an impressive collection of seashells.
Delaware Sports Museum and Hall of Fame
801 Shipyard Drive | Wilmington | 425-3263 | www.desports.org
Find the best Delaware athletes from throughout the decades at this shrine adjacent to Frawley Stadium.
Fort Delaware
Pea Patch Island | Delaware City | 834-7941 | www.destateparks.com
This fort on Pea Patch Island in the Delaware River shows what life was like as a prisoner during the Civil War.
Gallery 919 Market
919 N. Market St. | Wilmington | 655-7173
The gallery hosts works by regional artists. Shows change every couple of months.
Gilbert W. Perry Jr. Center for the Arts
51 W. Main St. | Middletown | 449-5396 | www.thegibby.com
Houses the Hudson Contemporary Gallery and Guild by Association Shoppe.
Hagley Museum and Library
201 Hagley Creek Road | Greenville | 658-2400 | www.hagley.org
See the machinery of the original DuPont gunpowder mills and visit the du Pont ancestral home on the Brandywine.
Hardcastle Galleries
5714 Kennett Pike | Centreville | 655-5230; 212 E. Main St. | Suite 112 | Newark | 738-5003 | www.hardcastlegallery.com
Specializes in displaying the work of artists in the school of painting originated by Howard Pyle.
Historic Houses of Odessa
201 Main St. | Odessa | 378-4119 | www.historicodessa.org
Admire beautiful examples of 18th- and 19th-century architecture.
Iron Hill Museum
1355 Old Baltimore Pike | Newark | 368-5703 | www.ironhill-museum.org
The museum focuses on the history of the Iron Hill region.
Kalmar Nyckel
1124 E. Seventh St. | Wilmington | 429-7447 | www.kalmarnyckel.org
Tours and sails aboard the replica Swedish ship that brought the first settlers to Delaware.
Nemours Mansion & Gardens
850 Alapocas Road | Wilmington | 651-6912 | www.nemoursmansion.org
This 300-acre du Pont estate features formal French gardens and a classical French mansion of more than 70 beautifully appointed rooms.
Newark Arts Alliance
276 E. Main St. | Suite 102 | Newark | 266-7266 | www.newarkartsalliance.org
Newark residents display their work. Classes are offered.
New Castle Court House Museum
211 Delaware St. | New Castle | 323-4453 | www.history.delaware.gov/museums
Learn how our three counties formed Delaware.
New Castle Historical Society
2 E. Fourth St. | New Castle | 322-2794 | www.newcastlehistory.org
Documentation of the area’s homes and buildings and tours of the Amstel House and Dutch House.
New Wilmington Art Association
Supports new and emerging artists. Exhibits are staged across the city.
Pencader Heritage Museum
2029 Sunset Lake Road | Newark | 737-5859 | www.pencaderheritage.org
A free museum telling the history and heritage of Pencader Hundred and the Battle of Cooch’s Bridge, site of Delaware’s only Revolutionary War battle.
Rockwood Museum
610 Shipley Road | Wilmington | 761-4340 | www.rockwood.org
This 72-acre Victorian English Gothic country estate features original furnishings, a conservatory and garden.
Somerville Manning Gallery
Breck’s Mill | 101 Stone Block Row | Greenville | 652-0271 | www.somervillemanning.com
Specializing in 20th- and 21st-century fine art and sculpture, including works by the Wyeths.
The Station Gallery
3922 Kennett Pike | Greenville | 654-8638 | www.stationgallery.net
The gallery showcases the best artists of the Brandywine Valley.
Toni & Stuart B. Young Gallery
Delaware College of Art and Design | 600 N. Market St. | Wilmington | 622-8000 | www.dcad.edu
The gallery mounts exhibitions of students, faculty and curated shows.
University of Delaware Museums
Newark | 831-8037 | www.udel.edu/museums
Includes Mechanical Hall Gallery, 30 N. College Ave., and Old College Gallery, 18 E. Main St., which exhibit shows of major artists and faculty, as well as the Mineralogical Museum, 255 Academy St., which houses a collection of minerals.
Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library
5105 Kennett Pike | Wilmington | 888-4600 | www.winterthur.org
The former home of Henry Francis du Pont is the premier museum of American decorative arts, with 175 rooms plus galleries.
Art Centers and Museums in Nearby Pennsylvania
Brandywine River Museum of Art
1 Hoffman’s Mill Road | Chadds Ford, Pa. | (610) 388-2700 | www.brandywinemuseum.org
Displays Wyeth family paintings and illustrations, plus works by illustrators Frank Schoonover, Howard Pyle and Maxfield Parrish.
Longwood Gardens
1001 Longwood Road | Kennett Square, Pa. | (610) 388-1000 | www.longwoodgardens.org
This horticulturalist’s paradise features acres of formal gardens, plus a conservatory of rare plants. Seasonal displays and events are highlights of the year. Longwood also hosts music, theater and dance performances.
Brandywine Center for Dance & the Performing Arts
1812 Marsh Road | #419, 593-3277 | www.brandywinecenterfordance.com
Students perform in ballets, including a full-length winter ballet, and other styles of dance.
Delaware Dance Company
168 S. Main St., Ste. 101 | Newark | 738-2023 | www.delawaredancecompany.org
Focuses on education and performance at area venues and outreach.
First State Ballet Theatre
818 N. Market St. | Wilmington | 658-7897, ext. 3851 | www.firststateballet.com
Presents major ballets choreographed by internationally recognized talent who specialize in classical Russian technique.
Mid-Atlantic Ballet
104 E. Main St. | Newark | 266-6362 | www.midatlanticballet.org
The nonprofit ballet school presents two productions a season at UD.
Wilmington Ballet Academy of the Dance
1709 Gilpin Ave. | Wilmington | 655-1004 | www.wilmingtonballet.org
Showcasing locally trained dancers and world-class artists in classical ballet and contemporary works.
Theatre N
1007 N. Orange St. | Wilmington | 576-2565 | www.theatren.org
Independent theater offers films by emerging talent and first-run movies.
WilmFilm Festival
690-5555 | www.wilmfilm.com
Great independent, socially conscious and local-interest films are shown in partnership with local nonprofits and businesses.
Arden Gild Hall | 2126 The Highway | Arden | www.ardensingers.org
This chorus performs Gilbert and Sullivan musicals at Arden Gild Hall.
The Arts at Trinity
Trinity Episcopal Church | 1108 N. Adams St. | Wilmington | 652-8605 | www.theartsattrinity.org
Free arts and culture series in Wilmington featuring chamber and choral music, theater and spoken-word performances.
Brandywine Baroque
The Barn at Flintwoods | 205 Center Meeting Road | Wilmington | (877)594-4546 | www.brandywinebaroque.org
The region’s premiere Early Music ensemble, performing on antique instruments.
The Brandywiners Chorale
P.O. Box 248 | Montchanin | 478-3355 | www.brandywiners.org
In addition to a large annual musical, the group gives benefit concerts across the region.
Chorus of the Brandywine
410 Upper Snuff Mill Row | Yorklyn | www.chorusofthebrandywine.com
The local chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society.
P.O. Box 63 | Montchanin | 658-6915 | www.coroallegro.com
This group is dedicated to the pursuit of artistic excellence in small ensemble singing.
Delaware Chamber Music Festival
4101 Washington St. | Wilmington | 422-0572 | www.dcmf.org
Quality, affordable performances featuring traditional and contemporary classical music.
Delaware Symphony Orchestra
818 N. Market St. | Wilmington | 656-7442 | www.delawaresymphony.org
The symphony offers a five-program Classics Concert Series, a Chamber Concert Series of four concerts and appearances by internationally acclaimed musicians.
Delaware ChoralArts
P.O. Box 4623 | Greenville | 740-2410 | www.delawarechoralarts.org
Performs major works of choral literature in a four-concert season.
Dickinson Theatre Organ Society
1801 Milltown Road | Wilmington | 995-5630 | www.dtoskimball.org
Presents several concerts on a traditional Kimball theater organ.
Everett Theatre
47 W. Main St. | Middletown | 378-7038 | www.everetttheatre.com
In addition to concerts, it hosts community theater, dance performances and films.
Market Street Music
First & Central Presbyterian Church | 1101 Market St. | Wilmington | 654-5371, ext. 110 | www.marketstreetmusicde.org
Presents two concert series and sponsors two performing choirs in Northern Delaware.
First State Symphonic Band
Newark | 454-1939 | www.firststatesymphonicband.com
This group of talented amateurs performs light classics, marches and show tunes at various locations throughout the year.
The Grand Opera House
818 N. Market St. | Wilmington | 652-5577 | www.thegrandwilmington.org
Offers comedians, orchestral performances, opera, dance, traditional and contemporary music, both in the main hall and the baby grand.
HildaMan Chorale
P.O. Box 9871 | Wilmington | 897-5988 | www.artsdel.org
A 25-member volunteer chorale performs spirituals and other musical selections.
200 S. Madison St. | Wilmington | 764-6338 | www.melomanie.org
This chamber ensemble performs early and contemporary works on period instruments, mixing Baroque and modern regional and international composers.
The Music School of Delaware
4101 Washington St. | Wilmington | 762-1132 | www.musicschoolofdelaware.org
Only nationally accredited statewide community music school offering classical, jazz, folk, rock and early childhood instruction. In addition to student recitals, it presents a Music Masters series featuring faculty and heralded guests.
New Ark Chorale
P.O. Box 5550 | Newark | 368-4946 | www.newarkchorale.org
The chorale performs four to six concerts per season.
Newark Symphony Orchestra
P.O. Box 7775 | Newark | 369-3466 | www.newarksymphony.org
The orchestra and chamber group perform eight concerts a season.
4 S. Poplar St. | Wilmington | 658-8063 | www.operade.org
International opera stars and newcomers perform for this stellar organization.
Rainbow Chorale of Delaware
P.O. Box 1467 | Wilmington | (888) 512-5093 | www.therainbowchorale.org
The 60-member group celebrates diversity with concerts and outreach events throughout Delaware.
Roselle Center for the Arts
110 Orchard Road | Newark | 831-0039 | www.udel.edu/UMS/performances-events.html
Houses two theaters that are the center of UD’s performance arts community.
Serafin String Quartet
593-8447 | www.serafinquartet.org
The quartet-in-residence at the University of Delaware performs regularly across the state as well as nationally.
UD Department of Music
Amstel Avenue and Orchard Road | Newark | 831-2578 | www.music.udel.edu
The department presents more than 200 performances each year by faculty, students and guest artists.
Wilmington Children’s Chorus
800 N. French St. | Wilmington | 762-3637 | www.wilmingtonchildrenschorus.org
Talented youngsters perform several concerts a year across New Castle County.
World Cafe Live at The Queen
The Queen Theatre | 500 N. Market St. | Wilmington | 994-1400 | www.queen.worldcafelive.com
Hear local and national musical acts.
Music in Nearby Pennsylvania
Longwood Gardens
1001 Longwood Road | Kennett Square, Pa. | (610) 388-1000 | www.longwoodgardens.org
Hosts several musical performances a year and a summer show by The Brandywiners.
P.O. Box 831 | Bear | www.ablearts.org
Composed of people with and without disabilities, it has performed dance, poetry, comedy and satire for more than 20 years.
Bootless Stageworks
1301 N. Broom St. | Wilmington | 887-9300 | www.bootless.org
Professional theater dedicated to Emerging Artists.
The Candlelight Theatre
2208 Millers Road | Ardentown | 475-2313 | www.candlelighttheatredelaware.org
Iconic dinner theater presents musicals, comedy nights and excellent food.
Chapel Street Players
27 N. Chapel St. | Newark | 368-2248 | www.chapelstreetplayers.org
Performing community theater since 1934.
City Theater Company
4 S. Poplar St. | Wilmington | 220-8285 | www.city-theater.org
Delaware’s off-Broadway theater with interactive experiences of cutting-edge, well-known and original works.
Delaware All-State Theatre
P.O. Box 3613 | Greenville | 635-0754 | www.dastonline.org
See the best of young local actors in an annual musical each June.
Delaware Children’s Theatre
1014 Delaware Ave. | Wilmington | 655-1014 | www.dechildrenstheatre.org
Presents five classic children’s productions each season.
Delaware Shakespeare Festival
P.O. Box 7567 | Wilmington | 415-3373 | www.delshakes.org
Watch a Shakespeare play at Rockwood Park for three weeks each July, plus other performances through the year.
Delaware Theatre Company
200 Water St. | Wilmington | 594-1100 | www.delawaretheatre.org
This professional resident company produces classic theater as well as new works.
DuPont Theatre
DuPont Building | 1007 N. Market St. | Wilmington | 656-4401 | duponttheatre.com
Broadway’s best comes to this elegant Victorian theater.
UD Resident Ensemble Players
Roselle Center for the Arts | 110 Orchard Road | Newark | 831-2204 | www.rep.udel.edu
Delaware’s only resident professional acting company.
Wilmington Drama League
10 W. Lea Blvd. | Wilmington | 764-1172 | www.wilmingtondramaleague.org
The community group presents several shows as well as pillow plays for the very young each season. Also, drama instruction for all ages.